View Full Version : Sleeping. The ultimate guide. & Anxiety. The only cure.

25-08-11, 09:11
Hi there, here is the guide to a good night.

The first thing to remember is that - the more you worry about not being able to sleep the worse it'll get just follow this advice and you might find bedtime a little less challenging.

- Have a cup of chamomile tea (a natural relaxing caffeine free drink) or warm milk twenty minutes before bed.

- Distract yourself before bed. Watch something on tv, knit, listen to music, mess around online. Do it until you feel on the verge of nodding off, then go to bed.

- Relaxation tapes are effective soothers for night listening.

- Cut down on caffeine e.g. fizzy drinks, tea, coffee etc..

- Have a bath or shower before going to bed.

- Get as much natural light as possible

- Don't drink alcohol to sleep as it produces noradrenalin, a stimulant.

- Don't eat too much in the evening.

- Turn off electrical equipment at the plug.

- Get some exercise during the day, walking or cycling, ease into it. It can keep you awake though - don't exercise three hours before going to bed.

Sometimes sleeping position can affect a good nights sleep too. I found that lying on my back - a position I started using as I got more anxious - actually makes sleep rather stressful. Lying on ones back to sleep can make breathing more difficult and lead to an unrest-full sleep. Try lying on your side. I found lying on my side alleviated my anxiety about sleeping.


Here is the guide to beating anxiety.

Firstly, lets address our concerns. If you are up all night worrying, you are an anxiety enabling night owl. Let it go. Submit yourself to the fact you are fine.

At least introduce the idea to your mindset. See, it helps if you go throughout the day occupying your mind at every opportunity, with creative tasks - partaking in an art, writing, learning new language etc... This will stop your mind creating the symptoms that perpetuate your symptoms.

Trust me. I've had all the symptoms. All of them. Yes, even the ones you've had. Yup, that very one.

Eventually you need to implement these rules

- Stop approaching every medical professional.

- Stop researching your symptoms.

- Consider withdrawing from medication.

- Stop thinking or reminiscing about anxiety.

- Stop leaning on others.

- Don't hold onto memories of your condition

- Divert your mind (Make it your new habit, ALWAYS)

- Stop accommodating your anxiety

With the proper diversion techniques i.e. implementing fun interesting tasks into your day, you will stop fuelling the anxious cycle. You will feel less stressed, like a great weight has been lifted from your shoulders. Maybe watch some stand up comedy too, laughter is the best medicine. Stop thinking like your anxious self. I'm not saying throw yourself into the club scene tomorrow night. Gradually work your way out the door and into situations with the calm assurance that you are fine and that you are firmly in control of your thoughts and will not let them direct you. All those little sensations, feelings, all the things that make you anxious . . . let them go. They are completely meaningless. Feelings created from an unstimulated and bored creative mind. Put that creativity to good use. There is no magic pill here. Just a bit of leg work. This sounds so simple and it is if you take this on board and follow the rules above - with commitment. Fill every moment of everyday with stimulating challenges and mental input.

If you sit back and do nothing you're spiting yourself. You can feel better again, you can reset your anxiety to its natural setting, believe in yourself and trust me.


Anyone who has ever cured themselves of anxiety has used this method, be it by accident or instruction, this is the only cure. So make use of some diversions, keep that mind out of anxious waters and find optimism in yourself, nurture it. Try to do some visualization exercises. You might find some online. If you are very jittery you might benefit from chamomile tea - its rather calming to stick to 3 cups a day max - sold everywhere.

All the best.

12-09-11, 16:59
Is the latter based on something called the Linden Method? Thanks

12-09-11, 20:41
Great post! :yesyes:

12-09-11, 23:19

12-09-11, 23:25
Brilliant post! I already use most of the methods for sleeping that you suggested. I find that Im perfectly fine until I let my mind, for a split second ask 'what if?'. After that, I may as well get up. Im terrified of night time. Mostly because I live alone and worry that if something were to happen, nobody would know. Crazy. I should be in bed right now. Im going to bed at about 3 am every night. Sometimes 6am. Im putting it off right now because Im tired, but maybe not tired enough to ensure my brain will just sleep and not think. I know HA will always be with me, as its with everyone and is perfectly normal... until it starts taking over your life. Ive made masses of progress over the years, but when my HA flares up, my sleeping is the first casualty. Anyway, great post.

12-09-11, 23:26
This is quite random but sometimes when I'm going through periods of insomnia, I find that if I bathe my feet in a sink full of warm water for 10 mins it helps me drift off. I can't remember where I got that tip but I now swear by it.

Lisa x

12-09-11, 23:29
Xfilme - I'm exactly the same as you. My health anxiety if horrendous at night and I stay awake usually till about 6.30am when the shop down the road from me opens - I need to know that there's people about. I live alone too and think that if anything happened to me I'd be on my own. My panic attacks are usually worse too cause I know I can't phone anyone for help.

Lisa x

jo h
13-09-11, 00:48
Thats a really helpful post ..thank you and I can confirm Chamomile tea or similar night time teas really do help ....x

21-09-11, 01:01
Thanks for reading. I hope you feel more inspired and if you need any more advise ask away. I no longer have panic attacks and I am only experiencing the odd anxiety related sensation here and there but the way I "walk, talk and move" through life is almost exactly how I want it to be. You can do it.