View Full Version : Dreams

25-08-11, 09:44
Hi, i have been taking citalopram for anxiety and i have been taking diazepam cause i told doctors that i haven't been able to sleep as i worry to much.....

i know i have been posting quite a number of posts since joining but i like to share whats happening with people and to try and see if the same thing happens with other people.....

Before taking this tablets i had dreams but not ones i could remember in the morning or none at all to be fair.

I have been having weird dreams, dreams that im back at school and all my school friends are there and were painting e.t.c in art classes e.t.c

Dreams that im back with my ex and quite a couple of my ex


25-08-11, 11:05
There is similar topic in the forum. It's absolutely normal for the first few weeks when taking citalopram (maybe even for a longer period for some people). I've experienced such strange dreams too, very weird and frightening :ohmy::)

27-08-11, 00:13
I've had a few dreams on cit that were vivid. all good though lol!

I quit smoking last September and used champix, the dreams then were unbelievable.
Very vivid and lifelike.

29-08-11, 06:57
Yeah. Ever since I started Citalopram, I've started remembering my dreams a lot more. Never any legitimately scary dreams, just sometimes odd, sometimes they just seem real and I wake up thinking I've forgotten to do a chore from the dream, or I had a conversation with someone when I actually didn't.
Don't worry, though. Weird and/or vivid dreams are a common side effect.

01-09-11, 18:04
My dreams are very vague now. Before starting treatment they were amazingly vivid and very weird, now I dream very indistinctly about walking down streets eating cake and standing by rivers reading a book, things like that. I've had two very clear sexy dreams, when I went up to 30mg, but none since ;)