View Full Version : The new way of checking blood pressure scares me help

25-08-11, 10:34
Hi all

Yesterday on the news it was on about the new way of checking blood pressure. Well I am in a panic as what about the likes of me who panics how can the doctor expect to get a good reading when I have a phobia about having it done. Doctors now want to send you home with a 24 hour bp monitor on you. The thoughts of that sends me into a panic. I was starting to get over my phobia as i took my own bp at home last week. And now this Doctors do my head in with all this checking. I do know I have to look at this in a rational way ie If i calm myself thy will get a correct reading and if it is high thy give you medication. I hope you understand what I am on about. lol

Cathy xx

Granny Primark
25-08-11, 10:56
About 20 years ago I had one of these bp machines monitoring me for 24 hours. I had to carry on working and doing the the things I normally did. It was uncomfortable and I found it difficult driving cus it would just start up anywhere and driving was part of my job.
I got some very strange looks when it would start.
However I do think it gives a better overall reading.
And to be honest Im glad its coming back.

25-08-11, 11:08
I guess they will only do this with certain patients that they want to really check the blood pressure of and not everyone though.

I had one years ago and it is very annoying to say the least.

25-08-11, 11:18
Hi Lynne

Thanks for your reply. I don't doubt what you are saying it is a good thing but for me who gets very nervous. I would have to get over my terrible phobia before thy get one on me lol. I wander If you could take anti anxiety pill while having it done? I am on Citalopram and just been given chlorpromazine which is for anxiety. It is also not addictive like diazipam.

Cathy xx

25-08-11, 11:22
I guess they will only do this with certain patients that they want to really check the blood pressure of and not everyone though.

I had one years ago and it is very annoying to say the least.

yes Nicola that's what my friend said. And yes I could imagine it would be a pain to wear.

So I will keep being positive and hopfully i will start being sensible about this bp fear I feel I am getting there slowly but surely.

Cathy xx :)

25-08-11, 17:22
Cathycrumble the reason that a 24 hour ambulatory reading is being done is to help stop the over prescribing of blood pressure drugs. Your anxiety at the docs having it done will then become an irrelevant reading and the normal ones when you are asleep and relaxed will show up in the mix so a more accurate picture of your cardio vascular health will be available to your doctor.

Granny Primark
26-08-11, 08:13
There is a name the docs call it. its "white coat syndrome" Basically we get anxious when we go see the doc.
Im so glad that its coming back.
I have lost my mum and other family members due to heart probs. I welcome anything that helps.