View Full Version : Please help me, dont know whats happening

11-05-06, 19:36
Please help me someone, since this morning I have been feeling very weak, drained and like I am about to faint - the old flu like feeling, although I dont have flu. Only this time its magnified 100 times. Whats happening to me??? I wont go up casualty in case I get sectioned or they put me in the ward and say I need a biopsy

Anxiety Is Evil

11-05-06, 22:17
there are times when i feel i will just collapse with the tiredness, sometimes i feel i cannot take the washing out of the dryer because i am soooo worn out, flulike and depleted. i think this is what you are suffering, as claire weekes calls it " depletion" when a tired and anxious mind wears the body out so much that it feels it will not be able to lift a cup for fear you will collapse

last week i was up stripping walls and window cleaning and only today i could not put my washing out because i felt i would collapse

does this make any sense to you . i hope it helps a bit


11-05-06, 22:57
Yep me too, body and nervous system are in overdrive and then bam I'm exhausted and sometimes I've dne nothing but everything aches


'This too will pass'