View Full Version : Going crazy brain tumour please help me :(

25-08-11, 11:38
Hi everyone this is my first post. I am joping to find people to talk to that understand me.

Ok so since last friday I have been getting headaches, some constant lasting all day and night, even there when I wake up in the middle of the night. Sometime they are not as bad, they are generally an ache with some shooting pains all over. My neck also aches to and my shoulders a little. My jaw also aches so I went to the dentist as can not get to the doctors till tomorrow. The dentist has said I have a partially erupted wisdom tooth and also an infection for which he has prescribed metrodizadole. He said that the wisdom tooth would be causing my headaches. Do I believe him NO.

Today I have tingling in my arms and hands and as I write this my feet and legs to, I also experiencing twitching in various parts of my body mainly fingers and legs. I have been googling and have scared myself and covinced I have a brain tumour or something bad like that what elso could be causing all these symptoms. My meds I am on for the infection say that tingling is a side of effect of taking them but I think its more down to this bad thing I have convinced myself I have. I am driving myself crazy, going on the internet and googling every new system points me to the same cancerous conclusion.

Already twice this year I have paid over £1000 to have private scans done. I had tummy pains in march near my ovaries and convinced my self I had ovarian cancer, the waiting list for the nhs was too long so I paid to go private and have an ultrasound. Then in May I developed a sore mass in my boob, I saw 4 doctors who told me not to worry, I didnt listen I paid money to see a private specialist who told me she was not concerned but would do a scan to put my mind at rest, The problem was it was a 5 day wait before I could get that done, so I paid more money at another private hospital to see a different speicialist and had a scan done that day, luckily all was clear.

Problem is now I am sure I have a problem, I know the pains are definitly there but do not believe that wisdom teeth could be causing my headaches and now with the tingling and twitching I have driven myself crazy again, I feel like I have cried wolf about the boob and tummy drama that now my husband is just thinking its another case of my health anxietys. Part of me agrees with him but mostly I am convinced it is more serious.

Please help xx

25-08-11, 12:58
Hi there, so, you clearly get very worried about your health and it sounds like your mind is going straight to the worst case scenario, rather than keeping perspective, I am sure there are lots of possible causes for your headaches, tremors and tingling etc. I guess the best thing is to see your GP or a GP which you feel comfortable talking to, explain you have anxieties, but that you don't want your concerns to be dismissed because of this and would like them to take a look and listen to your symptoms.
I had a breast lump last year and needed a biopsy, it turned out to be a fibroid, I also had several no result smears (and frequently get pain in the ovary area) and had a colposcopy to investigate (turned out fine) both times I was convinced it would be cancer and this week I've been scared witless over brain tumours from using my mobile too often. So, I realise how scary it is and how easy it is to think the worst at these times. Brain tumours are rare, but even if you did have one, many people are operated on and survive. It's not a tactic that works for everyone, I know, but for me when I am very worried I think 'right so if the worst did happen...what action can I take?' and I try to arm myself with knowledge and personally find this reassuring. But take it easy on the googling....the internet is the biggest ever source of misinformation next to politicians lol. If you do google stuff, try searching for scientific reports and papers on google scholar or at the BMJ, as at least they have to reference their work and the knowledge is more likely to be reliable. Well....that's how I approach anyhows but whatever you do, try to keep calm and enjoy the small things!
love sooty :hugs:

25-08-11, 15:32
Kirstynic -- To ease your mind a bit, from what I have heard (because I, too, suffer from health anxiety) headaches are not a symptom of a brain tumor. Seizures is usually the first indication. I believe your dentist, but I know it is hard for someone in your shoes (and I have been there many o' times and still am) to. Also, the tension that your fears are creating can also give you prolonged neck and headaches. I remember once having a headache for almost a week once, I was convinced it was an aneurysm, but my doctor checked me out and said everything was fine. My fear of what it COULD BE made sure that symptom would last. The body under so much stress and worry does so many weird things, we always think we are sick when we are not. I just spent a month with my cardio and had several tests run and he told me my heart was fine, but I still have this weird symptom, so I feel he missed something. I always feel the doctors miss something, but I can't argue blood tests that come back normal, or EKGs and Echos that do the same. This is why anxiety is so hard to overcome. It has to be the worst thing possible, it has to be life-threatening and our doctors always say, "You're fine!"
And, because you have been to the doctors, I feel confident in saying .... here we go ... "You're fine."
I know we also seem to be burden those around us with our worries, and they can get a little impatient with us. It's hard to understand when you don't experience intense worry, or feeling on edge all the time, waiting for that ball to drop. I envy them. But, they need to realize these symptoms stem from something that lies underneath. Well, outside of internal organs, I mean. It is a response to something emotional that we haven't been able to deal with, or haven't had the support in doing so. It can be from a death of a loved one, a traumatic event personally, an illness, and so forth. And, sometimes things build on one another and everything just explodes, and you tend to focus on the symptoms that produces rather than the situation at hand that started the whole thing. What has been going on with you that may have started this, or made it worse? I have days where I just find myself crying and not sure why -- it just shows me there is something there that I haven't faced, or don't know how to deal with yet, and it is so cleansing to cry.
Anyway, I just wanted to reassure you and give you some things to think about. Please let me know how things go, ok? Hugs, Wiskers ~

25-08-11, 16:07
Thank you for your replys. I hate feeling like this, I am now convinced my headache is worse when I bend over or that my head feels more pressured when I bend over like I am going to have a nose bleed?!

I was beginning to believe the dentist untill the twitching started which of course is another bad symptom. Now I am so aware of the twitching specially at rest, and the headache seems to have switched sides to it still hurts on the right but the left has started too.

I have the doctors tomorrow and am convinced hebis going to refer me for scans or a neurologist and that will make me think that I am definitly right. I am no good at waiting for results and appointments and my whole life pretty much stops when I feel like this, constant googling and worrying and it makes me feel sick :(.

25-08-11, 16:27
It is wisdom teeth, I suffer with mine quite bad.
Strong painkillers will sort it out...& stop googling!

25-08-11, 16:57
Really but my whole head hurts not just round my mouth :( and bending over and feeling dodgy is another symptom of a brain tumour :(

25-08-11, 17:02
Mine does as well....my mouth, my jaw, my face the back of my head, my neck..

The majority of the other symptoms you describe are anxiety though - probably because you're worrying more & more about it.

paula lynne
25-08-11, 17:13
Hi there, welcome to the board. x
I was a Neurosurgical nurse, (brain surgery), and nothing youve written leads me to believe you have a brain tumour. Your dentist is CORRECT saying tooth pain can cause headaches. It radiates (moves) around anywhere there are nerves going into the cheeks, neck, and head.
If youve been diagnosed with anxiety/panic.....tingling is another sensation caused by imbalance of oxygen and carbon dioxide. I have tingling in my feet, lips, hands, scalp most days. I know its scary, but it wont hurt you.

Get a paper bag. It doesnt have to be brown :winks:
Cover your mouth and breathe 5 times. Take the bag away and breath normally for 5 breaths. Repeat for 10 mins. I hope this helps the tingling.
I know its hard to believe the dentist etc when you have health anxiety, but Im asking you this once to TRUST what he said. If it was more serious, ie- a brain tumour, you would be in hospital right now, with several other symptoms (which you do not have), not sitting by your laptop typing. Please dont google anymore. It feeds your Health anxiety.
Go have a cup of tea, hug your hubby, run a bath, read a book, call a friend, take a walk. You will be ok.
Love, Paula x:)

25-08-11, 17:20
Thank you for your replys, I just want to snap out of this my last episode was may and I was hoping that would be it. I begin feeling positive and tell myself that my wisdom teeth and infection is to blame but then I get a pain and it's like the anxiety starts again.

I hope the doctor puts my mind at rest tomorrow and more importantly if he does I believe him, if he refers me or sends me for scans I know I will be a complete head case till I get results.

paula lynne
25-08-11, 17:25
Good luck tomorrow x:)
Trust what they say, even though its hard. They are the professionals. x
If he refers you, we can deal with that ok. Take it one day at a time.
If we could snap out of it, we wouldnt be here. You are not going crazy. Here for you ok. Let us know how it goes.
Paula x:hugs: