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11-05-06, 20:27
Just because I am worrying alot about one issue, does that mean I have an anxiety disorder? I've been driving myself crazy worrying for the past couple weeks and I can't go out and relax with friends and family. The only thing that's calming me down is working out & exercise. Do I have a mental illness, or is this common to worry so much, even though it's driving me insane?

Sorry, I posted a similar topic in the OCD forum, but I just want to know if I have an illness.

11-05-06, 22:13
sounds like every day life for many ordinary people

i wouldnt worry, sometimes thoughts that would usually pass through our minds stick if we are tireder than usual, just get yourself enough rest and it will all soon become clearer


11-05-06, 22:44
Worry is natural, especially if there is a genuine event/situation that you know you have to deal with or have to face. try writing down your main worry and all things connected with it, things you have to do, could do etc. Form a plan and then leave it - put it in a drawer or box somewhere. Then when you are tempted to try and figure it out again remind yourself its there and it will be dealt with when the time is right. Have you tried talking over your worries with afriend, that might help put some perspective on it.


'This too will pass'

11-05-06, 23:15
Thanks for your replys, Jackie and Daisybun.

One more question, even though this worry is causing me alot of stress, it can be considered, normal? Basically the thought of me having a mental illness, and how I would cope with it, is bothering me. Maybe I am just making myself sick reserching all these illnesses on the net.

12-05-06, 09:20
Don't look up symptoms on the Internet - I've done that and it really messes you up. This last two weeks I have had some symptoms which the dr said were anxiety. i looked them up and found that yes they could be but there were some other things they could have been too, much worse, i got in such a state that my symptoms got worse, then vicious circle. As soon as i accepted that they got worse when I worried, panicked i realised how silly I was being - DON"T DO IT PLEASE. Anxiety is very very common. Mine comes and goes, I do not consider myself to have a mental illness but I know that i need to readjust my lifestyle and thinking, i am trying to do that now, and I will recover. Please don't worry yourself and stop looking at the Internet sites as they can cause more harm than goo at times. Hope this helps! xx


'This too will pass'

12-05-06, 21:00
Thanks for all your advice guys. I'm going to stop thinking this way, and continue to work out and exercise to relieve my stress. Maybe i'll start taking more vitamins too, I heard they are good for the stress as well.