View Full Version : does this sound normal for IBS?

25-08-11, 14:43
Hi - about a month ago my Mom started having pressure in her pelvis (in the area of the ovaries). Sometimes its painful, sometimes its just pressure. Sometimes it goes away for a day or so - but then it comes back. She has had diarrhea, gas, constipation off and on for the past month, but it is the almost constant feeling of pressure that has me worried. The doctor did an ultrasound and said everything looked normal - but I am not reassured. Can ultrasounds miss things? She lost 10 pounds since this started, but she is afraid to eat anything since it seems to aggravate the gas, etc. Any advice is greatly appreciated. I have been living with worry for a month now. Her current doctor keeps brushing her off - so I convinced her to see a new doctor but that isn't until next Thursday. Just need to know if anyone else experienced ongoing pressure with IBS, thank you.

27-08-11, 15:31
Hi i'm going through a simular thing with possible IBS but I'm male ,She needs to have a stool culture test and blood tests if not already done If they show nothing a colonoscopy and possible Ct scans of that area are needed ,Don't waste time with silly GP's and get a referral to a specialist !My grandmother had IBS and she always used to say it felt like pressure most of the time So don't worry yet untill she's had the tests... It's good the Ultra sound was normal

09-09-11, 12:28
Dont worry too much about this-I get IBS and get similar symptoms to your mom. The pressure sensation is caused by the build up of gas in the intestines which then presses on nearby internal organs which if your female will be in the reproductive area. I actually get bladder pressure with mine which causes urinary frequency to the point where i rush off to the nurse and get my urine cultured for infection. Your moms ultrasound was nad which means nothing sinister was found - I really dont think a radiographer would have missed anything. I think you may have read the symptoms for ovarian cancer-and I know there are overlapping symptoms with Ibs so I see your worry ( I TOO HAVE DONE THIS ! ) what did the new doc say ?

10-09-11, 04:28
Hi i have all the same symptoms i get the pressure feeling right at the bottom all left side just right above pubic bone area but all to the left and when i do release gas god it smeels so vile :blush: i have had ultrasounds / xrays / bloods etc all to come back normal and then i thought well maybe they have missed somethin then i stopped eating which made me lose alltogether over 4 stone and i was 8 & half stone to start with so really did not need to lose it alll anyway this then made all my symptoms worse anyway i finally put my weight back on as i just had to get on with things.... but all the worrying and anxiety does make my stomach a lot worse than it is :( has the doctor gave your mum any tablets or anything ?