View Full Version : Please Help ive just been diagnosed with Anxiety

25-08-11, 16:15
Hi I'm 20 and recentley diagnosed with anxiety stress and depression.
I would like to talk to anyone of any age with the same or simular problems to see if it would help but to try an understand what I am going through more.
I'm still worrying that its not anxiety and stress and something worser even tho I have been checked by several docters opticians and blood tests but I'm trying to take each day as I go.
Iv been having panic attacks for about 2 years now mostley everyday sometimes a few times a day and so bad that iv had to call ambulances but in the last 6 weeks I haven't been haven't panic attacks but iv started getting headache on the left side of my head like a band or pressure
Feeling really tired and low seing black spots sometimes feeling dizzy but al having shiver like feelings in my head or body and pins and needles allover also pains in my temple or twitching and slight numbness on my face iv also had some ear popping and I keep shaking my hands and my legs when I feel more scared!
Also sometimes aches in my neck The dr has now given me some betablockers which I really hope can help.
If anybody has or had had any of this please reply so that we can talk xx

Aswell as talking to people to help my self I would like to help others x

paula lynne
25-08-11, 16:58
Hi there, Im Paula, and although Im twice your age, i wanted to welcome you to NMP, a great forum where you will find lots of help and support. Please read the info on the left regarding anxiety and panic, and anything else you think could help. Knowing bout why and how these things happen to your body is half the battle. Youre not alone. In a few days, you can access chat, where a lot of our younger members enjoy being. Welcome! :welcome:

25-08-11, 17:18
Hi am cess i have all the same problems as yourself and have been since i was 18 i am now 22 its your body reacting in a way its strange ino hw you feel though its horrid feeling took me years to relise what mine was.

25-08-11, 17:23
Im 30 and have gone thru all of this it eventually led to a nervous breakdown 12 weeks ago, Make sure u see doc regulary have they put u on medication?

Hope u feel better soon!!


25-08-11, 17:26
Hi, im sarah im 20 i have recently been diagnosed with anxiety i have had it for a while but its suddenly come on worse....


26-08-11, 10:32
Thankyou all for your replys!! It helps to know that others are dealing with the same thing as me.
As not many people understand friends ect!! I have been given beetablockers and should be starting counselling soon
Trying to stay possitive but its always at the back of mind that there's something worser going on. I haven't been given anything for my depression what medications are you on? And does anybody have facebook where we could talk more? Xxx