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25-08-11, 17:18
Ok so I would like some advice from an outsiders pov. I am considering to go back to my old job I am currently on sick with (New Look) because I dont have any other jobs in line if I leave. My mum said this is only option, plus I refuse 2 go bk 2 college. Only issue is I dont want to go bk 2 a place with bad history if you know what i mean! I am not going bk til imrecovered anyways, as I am still finding things hard 2 do like going out (without my mum) alot. I get all excited days before, then on the day before or on the day i chicken out... :( So I need the strength to get out of this rutt im in. I do genuinly enjoy working and giving up work would and will drive me insane. I enjoy 2 things: SOCIALISING AND MONEY. Which im only being honest about! I just think about what else I can consider but where do I start. Im getting on now and tbh im not getting any younger and jobs are hard to come by around my area. Im on the sick atm and on my pills so going bk will be a problem

25-08-11, 19:05
Hi FB,

I think the point is that you need to do what YOU want to do. Don't be pushed by your Mum's opinion or anyone else.

When I resigned from my job I had the world and its Mother telling me I was making a mistake - my nursing colleagues, my family, etc. - but I knew inside my self that it was the right decision for me regardless of whether they all thought I was nuts to give up a stable income.

TBH, I think I am a bit nuts to do so, but much, much more so I am certain it is the RIGHT choice as I couldn't work under that pressure anymore, so financially it may be wrong, but healthwise, it was right.

If you think that going back is going to set you back again, or make you ill again, or make you miserable and non- productive at work, then I would say it is not right for you to go back. Bottom line is, if you went back and did not have your heart in it, you won't function well at work anyway, so there is no point! If however you feel that you just need time out, a break, and time to get yourself together, and the job is still something you feel you can handle, then go back.

Only YOU know what is right for you hun. Don't be swayed by others, even though they may have your best interests at heart.

I always remind myself that nobody else lives my life for me. I live my life, and that is true for everyone.


25-08-11, 21:44
I recently quit my job as management ( a fashion retailer like yours) i did it for my health after being off sick. dont listen to anyone else except yourself. its the only way. i have no income at the moment but i feel good for quiting. x

26-08-11, 04:45
Hi Friendlybrunette

Some sound advice here from Debs and Janine. People will always warn you against giving up a permanent job when you have no other job to go to. But as Debs says - no one else lives your life for you. You just have to weigh up all the pros and cons and make your own decision.

It is a tough call. You can not see into the future, so there's no way of knowing how it will work out whatever you do. You just have to do what you think is the best option. It is generally easier to get another job when you are already in a job, but this isn't always the case. For instance, when desperate employers want to start someone straight away they can't always wait for a months notice to be worked off, yet they may not like the idea of you breaking the previous employers contract in not giving notice. There's also references from your last employer to think about. If you aren't going to get a good one anyway then you've probably not got much to lose there, but if you are well thought of it may be worth trying to stay on good terms by returning, even if only for a short while to help them out.

Nothing is worth damaging your health for though. If you really can't face it, it is probably best to go, but accept things may be tough finding other work and also benefits may be complicated if you give up your job voluntarily. I left my job due to depression, caused mostly by the job anyway. I am now back working again in another job as a casual on lower pay with no regular contract or security. I am much HAPPIER though! Like Debs says above, people will think it nuts, but to quote Debs again THEY AINT LIVING MY LIFE!!!!!!!!

Best of luck with this FB whatever you decide.

A Happy Tyke :D:yahoo::D
.......poor but not miserable all day everyday due to work!