View Full Version : Worried about oxygen levels in the brain

25-08-11, 20:27
For the last few weeks I have been feeling like I cant get enough oxygen but im breathing ok. My pulse has been very good. I dont have any blue around my lips are my fingers or toes or anything. When I went to the dr they told me my blood oxygen was 98 and she said my lungs sounded clear. Im just wondering if your oxygen levels can change in a day or two? Also I have been feeling weird but attributed it to stress.I seem to be doing ok but Zi wake up in the morning feeling hot and like there isnt enough oxygen in the air but im wondering if maybe this is just anxiety attacks in the morning. Now that all this doctor stuff is going on,im worried that maybe I have something like heart problem or something else causing this. The doctor was very vauge with me when she sent me for xray. Im so worried about everything not knowing whats going on. Scared ,wish RLR was here to post..But my biggest concern now is whether I really have breathing problems or its anxiety. I have no symptoms of heart disease.

25-08-11, 20:44
Well if you body was not functioning properly , it would have shown up at the doctors office,
when peoples oxygen levels drop too far their lips always turn blue, so you would know if it got too low! Just by looking at yourself : )

25-08-11, 20:54
I guess im just having anxiety I guess I dont know. I just spoke to the nurse and ask her about everything and she seemed to think I was ok. But other than that nothing. I guess im worried and just need reassurance.

25-08-11, 21:27
Sorry Micheal but I posted on your other Thread by mistake .Meant to post on this one ....Thinking of you .Luv Sue x

25-08-11, 21:46
What is the results of the xray?

25-08-11, 21:48
They wont tell me till monday.