View Full Version : Stomach Pain is driving me nut's!

25-08-11, 21:35
As most have you have read my post's i'll not deleve to much.

But i have had pain's in my lower right ab since i had a scope done, started little twinge now i can really feel it, nothing found in the scope so looking like IBS.

Had chest xray done to rule out bowel perf (and i am sure i would have known about it within 3 week's!)

Seen docotor twice to try med's not helping... I asked him what he think's could be causing it, he said that it could be the orignal reason i went in for the scope, and that's looking like IBS.

So my question is how intesnse can the pain be for IBS?

I would have rated today's bowt that lasted about 2 hour's a 6 easy it's still theer but the pain has gone down to a 3.

And can the pain in IBS be very localised as it's mainly in my right ab, but sometime's on the left abit and in my side back on the right.

25-08-11, 22:33
Hi Trev

Have you looked at this site:


26-08-11, 01:16
You need to get some sort of treatment plan going.
What medication are you on? When my IBS was bad, I was literrally bed bound from the pain , my doc gave me some medication, sounds like Spasmonol, it some kind of pill that stops your insides from cramping up. Worked wonders for me.
Maybe you see a dietitian or someone who could work on a diet with you that may help with the IBS.
Personally food makes no difference with me, unless it's fried/oily/greasy or junk food and lots of it.
When I get stressed I get IBS pain.

You could go to ER maybe in the morning, weekday when it's quite and tell them about your pain, they might do some extra testing or give you a referral.
I went one morning when I was having stabbing pains in my side, I was in agony, actually met my friend at the hospital who had the same pain!
They gave me a letter telling my doctor I should be sent for a ultra sound scan on my tummy/pelvic area (its a small hospital).

Or if you can afford it go to a private hospital, most have websites which you can check out.

But I would try and sort your diet out and try some medication, and see how that works out first.

macc noodle
26-08-11, 08:09
First of all, visiting A&E is not the answer here - although I do understand that a lot of people with HA do this for reassurance. You have had your bowel investigated and it is fine. You are not a woman(?) so no need for a pelvic scan to rule out any ovarian/womb issues. IBS has been outlined as the culprit here in the absence of any other medical indication of any other problem.

If they suspect IBS, you need to keep a food diary and a pain/poo diary for a month or so and see if there is any correlation between certain foods and increased pain/toilet problems.

IBS can be crippling until you achieve some sort of management of the problem.

Additionally, Trevstan, you have been so anxious about this for such a prolonged period, you are probably so tense that the pain is actually worse due to the anxiety.

I really feel for you because I simply did not believe that IBS was so painful and caused so much pain - but 3yrs down the line, I have accepted that the docs were right and that i have to watch what i eat and how i manage my stress otherwise i will suffer :(

Good luck - it will get better once you have got some more control of it.

Macc Noodle

26-08-11, 22:19
Thank's Macc yeah i am starting to think it could be something like that and i don't want to go to A+E anymore for the same thing they would think i am stupid unless the pain got really unbearable.

Seen the doctor today and he checked me out and said he couldn't feel anything bad in my stomach, he said it could still be tender from the camera (but i would have thought it would have settled down? And the pain would not have increased?)...

He gave me some new medication called gabapentin i read about it and it's for seizures which i find strange but for also nerve pain?