View Full Version : Was doing so well...

26-08-11, 02:01
Been so good lately, compared to a month ago im a different person... Tonight though I feel I need to post :-( felt a little shaky all day as currently having a very heavy period... Dreaded coming to bed all day as husband is on night shift and I knew I'd be panicky. My heart feels like it's beating really hard, I can feel it all down my back while I lay here... Getting the odd chest twinge too. Ive had all the tests,most of the time I know my heart is fine but during these weak moments it's very hard to feel convinced :-(

29-08-11, 21:38
Hi, I know its been a few days since you posted, but I've only just seen it. I hope you are feeling better now. Its horrible when you feel like that in the middle of the night - I always find that those are the times when the doubts & fears can get a hold cos we let our guards down a bit to try and sleep. Anyway, like I said, hope you're feeling better now. x