View Full Version : Blood results back

26-08-11, 09:29
So i have just got back from seeing the doctor and got my blood results back and he said they show im "serverely" anemic and prescribed me some iron tablets, he said they still waiting for one blood result back and im to ring next week for that.
But the funny thing is i went to the doctors after i ran out of iron tablets from having my baby in feb and said i was anemic then and the health visitor said to go wen my tablets ran out, and all the doctor said was that theres no concern type thing. So all that time and my bad shortness of breathe and can talk a sentence or read a story or focus and what not is not only because of anxiety but its because im anemic he said! He said after 6 weeks of taking them i will find a difference!

Im glad its nothing serious but i knew it wasnt in my head and i wasnt been over the top like they made me be, i know the difference from having breathing problems with anxiety to this, i knew it! Now im finally getting took serious. Got to go every 6 weeks and what not!

He even did a peak flow test again and said that he see's nothing of any concern so that put my mind at rest a bit!

26-08-11, 09:34
I'm so pleased you finally got taken seriously Sarah and have found a reason other than anxiety for your breathlessness etc. I am so happy for you!

Hope you start to feel better soon


26-08-11, 09:38
Aw that good there's nothing too wrong.
I take spairon , it's like water with iron in it, I think it's all natural. Less harsh on the tummy for me. I don't eat meat or fish so I take the iron water : )

I've had low iron levels now and again too, all I remember is feeling tired and run down.
I guess you need iron to carry the oxygen in your blood which would explain feeling tired.

Do you have to go back for another blood test after so many weeks of being on the tablets?

My mum has toouch iron in her blood, it can be dangerous so every so often she goes to the doctor to have some of her blood taken out.

Hope the tablets kick in soon, it's good to take them with orange juice or vitamin C