View Full Version : So went to the doctors but why do still feel bad :(

26-08-11, 09:45
Ok so yesterday I posted about my headaches, pretty constant for the last week, also been getting some tingling and muscle twitches. My head pretty much aches all the time with some sharp shooting pains. I went dentist who said I have a wisdom tooth coming through and also a infection called periochronitis which could be causing my headaches..... Really?

So I went to the doctor who listened to me and examined my eyes to look for pressure he said it was fine. He has prescribed me stronger pain killers and said that if they don't work then to go back and he will prescribe something stronger. He said headaches are worrisome but he thinks it could be tension or tooth related. I expressed my worry about s brain tumour but he did not seem worried about this he said my age( I hate it when they rule things out because of age when it clearly happens) makes it unlikely and also he just doesn't suspect it. But I still feel rubbish and worrying. I am worrying that I described my symptoms wrong that now maybe he won't suspect tumour when it really could be there. Also i only rated my headache as pain level of 4 when maybe it should have been higher????? Oh I just want to believe the doctor and carry on with my life all be it at the moment a literal headache of one.

26-08-11, 12:40
On naproxen which is apparently a strong drug and also parecetomol but still nothingness relieving the pain :( tooth pain surely can not be this bad

26-08-11, 12:50
I live with constant stress headaches and nothing touches them. I think, by the sound of it, you are suffering same. But that's only a guess lol

Go back to doctors and explain your worries again, that is what they are there for. Don't suffer in silence:hugs: