View Full Version : Constant headaches :(

26-08-11, 10:03
Does anyone suffer from headaches pretty much every day? Mine is pretty much round the jaw on both sides and sometimes near the eye and top of the head even round the back of the head down the neck. I have had it for a week and wasn't worried to start with but of course I googles and came up with brain tumour????? I went to the doctors today who don't seem concerned but i am still scared.

26-08-11, 10:42
It seems no matter what people put into google about the brain "brain tumour" comes up and is the main worry.
I have had that feeling all over my head, back and shoulders for nearly a month stragiht and now I'm getting extreme dizziness and off balance feelings, sinking feelings and finding it hard to sleep.x

26-08-11, 10:43
Hiya I'm going through exsactley the same as u :( been to the drs several times and casualty an the opticians all who don't seem worried
Iv been told its stress an anxiety iv had nerological test and the torch in my eye etc an blood tests all ok. Are u getting black spots at all??
Iv now been given beeta blockers but its still really worrying me :( my headaches are on the left side sometimes at the back of my head sometimes the side like pressure or a tight band an I get twinges and sharp pains
Also sometimes feels like a shiver rush through my head, its so horrible whe the dr is so calm and has told me stress not brain tumour etc but I'm still thinking it !! X

26-08-11, 10:52
I haven't had floaters but just a constant head and jaw ache. My head also gets shooting pains towards the back and when I lie in a quiet room my ears sort of ring. My doctor don't seem concerned he just prescribed pain killers and said if they don't help to go back and get stronger ones. My dentist said I have a wisdom tooth coming through but just can't convince myself that would be the cause of pain??

26-08-11, 11:03
Also started feeling icky like nauseaus the last few days like my chest and throat burn like I feel sick, I also have tingly hands and slight muscle twitches not really obvious but I feel them I keep trying to tell myself that Rhodes symptoms are anxiety related but then I google and just feel more scared

26-08-11, 12:14
Yes I keep googling stuff to see if it helps but I think it makes it worse !! Today iv had constent pressure an sharp twinges in the side of my head.
Iv also had slight numbness in my face an I keep getting the shakes and pins and needles ! How long have u been getting the headaches? Iv also had a slight ringing in my ear when I lay down but the dr said there's nothing wrong with my ears its such a horrible feeling x.

26-08-11, 12:53
Yes I suffer from headaches every day and I know that its all down to stress.
I have an eyebrow Gremlin I think:shrug:

26-08-11, 13:25
Mine started last Friday they sort of come and went but got worse Monday now just ache most the day and make me feel awful specially today have taken naxopron or something ands it's worked slightly but just feel like I want to go sleep. Keep panicking and thinking bout going a&e but done that twice already this year over 2 different things and just wanna accept what the doctor says but know I won't

27-08-11, 13:58
I can relate to your messages so much !!! With the docters etc and symptoms I'm also on naproxen its not helping tho :(

macc noodle
27-08-11, 15:43
Re: Naproxen - my hubby has an ongoing neck problem which causes really bad headaches - he was given these and they were great when the pain was at its peak but he has found that co-codamol gives him better relief.

Re: Headaches and stress - can totally relate and mine goes in cycles and when I dont have the headache, I have something else!

HOWEVER, I would never be fobbed off by a doc if I thought it was more than that and I know this is a big problem if you have HA the liines are soooo blurred! If I really thought I had a brain tumour and suffered no other symptoms I would be off like a shot demanding an MRI scan but all I can tell you is that if you have a brain tumour you get far more symptoms than the ones you are describing.