View Full Version : Haveing a panic attack need some tools please

26-08-11, 12:30
Hi sat at my pc was nt aware i was feeling over ansiouse but the the panic set in i am no stranger to this as sufferd for 40yrs but i ave nt had full blown panic a while now jst always full of aneity all the time its never gone away why thats happend today not sure jst need some reasurance i am not going to die any minute as thats the first thought i ave when i panic wich i no the thought fed my panic but how can you let this feeling come over you stay calm and let it pass is wat i ave read and been told 100s time but its way to scarey to do wish i could but you jst find yr self fighting with it straight away any one give me ideas how they handle there panic attacks thanks take care all lv trish

26-08-11, 12:48
I'm sorry u are having a tough time! I just concentrate on my breathing and try and visualise a day when i was feeling well. I force myself to believe that it is just feelings and that they will pass, they always do!

26-08-11, 13:20
Read the first part of this it may help:
