View Full Version : Can doctors lie to you?

26-08-11, 12:38
I know this is a huge symptom of HA, but are doctors allowed to lie to you? I had a Barium Enema and the doctor said my bowel was normal (but looked very shifty about it like he wasnt telling me). If he had seen ANYthing suspicious would he have had to tell me? Even if it was elsewhere in my abdomen? Is it unlikely I have bowel cancer if it didnt show up in the Barium Enema? Im so scared and dont have a Sigmoidoscopy until a month. I dont think I can cope that long. Please help.

26-08-11, 12:45
Short answer is NO

They have a care of duty to their patients and are duty bound to tell you, good or bad:winks:

Gemma T
26-08-11, 15:34
Jenny is spot on with the duty of care owed. Ive studied to be a solicitor and choose clinical negligence as one of my electives. I also worked alongside clin neg when I was a personal injury paralegal. I can assure you that they would not because of clinical neg claims. They can run in to millions and seriously damage their reputation. It would not be worth it to them x x x

26-08-11, 15:36
Hello. No they are paid to care for you and 99.99999999999999999999 per cent doctors want to and do that. Yes we read about people getting misdiagonised but there only human and make mistakes.
For example you go in with tummy cramps. Doc has a wide range of knowledge so will say its acid. Instead of thinking the worse

26-08-11, 17:36
Ask for your medical report file.

Hazel B
26-08-11, 19:18
No! They have an oath and an obligation. Its anxiety tricking you.

26-08-11, 19:53
thay cant lie its unlawfull
god bless

26-08-11, 20:07
Doctors or anyone else in healthcare do not lie, no.

When it comes to exams or scans or tests where the results are more or less immediate, or can be interpreted quite quickly, they usually just say it is fine, nothing more. If they have the slightest doubt that anything is wrong, they say nothing until you have a proper consultation following the test. They usually say things like 'you will get your results in your follow up' or such like.

Was it a doctor or a radiographer who said it was fine? If it was a radiographer then he will say little except 'it's fine' as it is up to whoever ordered your barium enema to go into detail with you when you have your follow up appointment.

I am sure that all is fine as they say.

30-08-11, 14:03
Well I was so panicky before the procedure the Radiographer said she would take me in early and ask a 'Proffessor Williams' (Senior Radiographer) to look at my scan straight after I'd have it done to let me know what was going on there. I had it done and after using the loo they summoned me back into the room where proffessor Williams was. He said that he couldnt see any polyps or tumors, or anything like Divertucolitis or such. He said that he'd suggest i'd need a endoscopy as i'd had bloody but other than that, the large colon was fine. That made me think there was something wrong elsewhere then!! I'm so scared. Anyway, Ive now been referred for a sigmoidoscopy as I went private and asked a consultant to do it. He said hew would only do it as a last minute thing if they couldnt find out what was wrong from my bloods etc. Bloods are all clear, urine all clear, ultrasound scan is all clear and now apparently Barium Enema all clear but i'm still in pain. I'm scared that the consultant has looked at the Barium Enema results himself and noticed something concerning? Thats why he's called me in? I called his secretary and asked why he's doing it and she said not to worry, its just to check everything but as Barium in clear there is no chance of malignancy. Is that right? Does this sound strange to you? I'm so scared I can't think and would like your 'sane' advise. Ive been put on anti depressants lately and can't think straight. To cut the long short, do you think I could have cancer of the bowels after all these tests? Thanks for your time xxx

30-08-11, 14:17
Im sure your fine,its of no benefit for them to lie to you,I like you always have difficulty in believing what im told,all just part of the anxiety.Ive to have sygmonoscopy then barium enema xray on the same day on the 15th of sep,ive had blood tests occult tests and all were clear,because i dont believe them im now booked in for these other tests next month.If my anxiety would just allow me to believe what they tell me,i wouldnt have to put myself through these other tests.Im terrified of the barium xray,was it very painful.Regards Corinne:unsure:

30-08-11, 14:44
No, it was uncomfortable rather than painful. Don't worry about the pain - its fine honest. Thank yo for your reply. I hope I'm ok. I'm so so scared x

30-08-11, 16:46
Well I was so panicky before the procedure the Radiographer said she would take me in early and ask a 'Proffessor Williams' (Senior Radiographer) to look at my scan straight after I'd have it done to let me know what was going on there. I had it done and after using the loo they summoned me back into the room where proffessor Williams was. He said that he couldnt see any polyps or tumors, or anything like Divertucolitis or such. He said that he'd suggest i'd need a endoscopy as i'd had bloody but other than that, the large colon was fine. That made me think there was something wrong elsewhere then!! I'm so scared. Anyway, Ive now been referred for a sigmoidoscopy as I went private and asked a consultant to do it. He said hew would only do it as a last minute thing if they couldnt find out what was wrong from my bloods etc. Bloods are all clear, urine all clear, ultrasound scan is all clear and now apparently Barium Enema all clear but i'm still in pain. I'm scared that the consultant has looked at the Barium Enema results himself and noticed something concerning? Thats why he's called me in? I called his secretary and asked why he's doing it and she said not to worry, its just to check everything but as Barium in clear there is no chance of malignancy. Is that right? Does this sound strange to you? I'm so scared I can't think and would like your 'sane' advise. Ive been put on anti depressants lately and can't think straight. To cut the long short, do you think I could have cancer of the bowels after all these tests? Thanks for your time xxx

It all sounds normal to me hun.

I am assuming that the Consultant ordered the tests to be done, including the barium enema, so it is normal for him to see you in a follow up, even though the senior radiologist reviewed the results and said all is ok. They don't just leave it at that. You would always go back and talk about the results with the doctor who wanted them done. It is not a sign that he has seen something as this is always standard procedure.

Where is your pain coming from? I suffer from IBS and I would hasten a guess that does not show up much on tests, but I haven't had any so can't say for sure. My GP simply felt my lower abdomen and could feel my colon in spasm and diagnosed it there and then. Has IBS been mentioned at all to you at any time?

Anyway, just wondered about that since nothing seems to be showing up in your tests, yet you still have pain.

Don't worry hun. Seeing the consultant is par for the course.

Hazel B
30-08-11, 21:13
They don't lie, accept it's anxiety tricking you and making you double check everything that is said to you.

01-09-11, 12:42
It all sounds normal to me hun.

I am assuming that the Consultant ordered the tests to be done, including the barium enema, so it is normal for him to see you in a follow up, even though the senior radiologist reviewed the results and said all is ok. They don't just leave it at that. You would always go back and talk about the results with the doctor who wanted them done. It is not a sign that he has seen something as this is always standard procedure.

Where is your pain coming from? I suffer from IBS and I would hasten a guess that does not show up much on tests, but I haven't had any so can't say for sure. My GP simply felt my lower abdomen and could feel my colon in spasm and diagnosed it there and then. Has IBS been mentioned at all to you at any time?

Anyway, just wondered about that since nothing seems to be showing up in your tests, yet you still have pain.

Don't worry hun. Seeing the consultant is par for the course.

Well the results that were sent back to my doctors said LARGE COLON NORMAL. And that was it. Nothing more, nothing less!! When Dr Williams came to talk to me after the Barium Enema, he said that they could not see any polyps or tumours and that it all looked normal. But he advised i had an Endoscopy to see why I had bleeding. (I had bleeding 7 years ago, it was a lot sometimes, and sometimes a small bit). This is the thing that makes me think he DID see something but did not want to panic me further as I was a mess as it was and he could only really diagnos after the Endoscopy. Can he do this? Or would he have had to say? Its making me go mad everyone!!! The pain comes and goes Debs, its stabbing, splitting pain around once a month in my lower abdomen, I can't go to the loo or pass wind at this time and my stomach feels bloated. At all other times I have soft mushy poo, with lots of undigested food, and sometimes I have diarrea with the usual horrendous cramps etc. SOmetimes my bum hurts and I have stabbing pains, my poo is thin and my back hurts, i pee a lot and it feels like my bum is 'blocked'?? What does this sound like to you? I'm at the end of my tether and can see no light at the end of the tunnel. I want to have a baby this year but if its something horrendous I fear I will never experience is. Please help me guys. xxx

Hazel B
01-09-11, 13:27
We are not doctors, you need to try to trust the professionals and deal with your anxiety. Not easy but it will help you get rational.

Take care.

01-09-11, 13:31
Thats a very big NO!
If there was anything wrong your doctor would ahve told you and sent you for furtehr tests. the sigmoscopy is a simple test; ive had three and to be honest it rules out inflammation of the lower bowel, though after you may feel like you have to pass gas more (though I blame mine on the dog =P)

02-09-11, 09:03
Was the sygmoidoscopy painful????????????I googled it and so WISH i hadnt,ive to have that and barium enema xray on the same day.Im thinking and worrying about it so much,i cant eat due to the nervous nausea.So wish i could just believe what doctors tell me rather than put myself through all these tests.Regards Corinne

02-09-11, 11:54
you don't have bowel cancer, you have health anxiety and that is what is making you paranoid

It's your anxiety and OCD that is causing you to question this

Drs do make mistakes; there are no absolute guarantees in life, but the OVERWHELMING WEIGHT OF PROBABILITY is that it's fine. There's no guarantees a meteor wont' hit your house tonight either

Hazel B
02-09-11, 16:13
West is right, it's health anxiety.

02-09-11, 16:30
Short answer is NO

They have a care of duty to their patients and are duty bound to tell you, good or bad:winks:


02-09-11, 17:20
If the doctors lied to you then they would be in big trouble, They would loose their job if they lied. Doctors can make mistakes though, in very rare cases though :) Your health is there best interest! :D xx