View Full Version : Hit my head

26-08-11, 13:58
Hi guys,

smacked top of my head against metal pipe jumping onto a table to sort aircon out eariler.

Roughly 2 hours ago. Got a headache all round but particularly on the side i hit it.

At what point should I worry??

I dont feel sick or dizzy. Just a bad headache all over.

I keep telling myself i be fine except i have this stonker of a headache.

26-08-11, 14:13
It's fine to have a headache after bangin your head.
I banged my head 5 times yesterday how unlucky is that D:
I think your head is fine :)

26-08-11, 15:07
Hiya ive had a GIANT stone thrown at head a year ago- still have the lump- i was sick, dizzy, bad headache and all it was was mild concussion but i can tell you i felt like death. you will be ok x

26-08-11, 15:16
Take some Ibrofen and put cold compress on it ,like bag of frozen peas in tea towel .Will help with the bruising .If you feel sick or are vomiting you might have mild concussion .If so go to the Drs or AE ..Otherwise dont worry .Hope you feel better soon Peter .:hugs:sue x