View Full Version : Feeling very ill.

26-08-11, 14:25
So I woke up this morning after having a bad night, I just kept waking up with a racing heart, numb arms and face and feeling very anxious and now I feel really ill, my chest hurts, I have sharp pains in my back but not like backache it sounds weird but they are dull sharp pains going up my back, I have a headache muscle ache and feel a bit sick, I feel weak like I could sleep for a year but first thing this morning before breakfast I felt fine.
Does this sound like I have come down with something or is this all panic related, I should be able to tell the difference by now but I just cant seem to, my back hurts so much I dont like it.
My panic attacks are getting worse I cant get to see my Dr until next wednesday and I just dont know what to do, why cant this just stop already, my mind just cant get passed the anxiety, even when I have attacks I am finding it mpre and more difficult to control them, I hate this.
Sorry for moaning I know my problems are tiny compared to others I just feel a bit dow today and I dont really have anyone else to talk to.

26-08-11, 16:17
Hannah I have a travel phobia these days and dont suffer from panic attacks anymore, but years ago i had them really bad, so bad that i couldnt bear to be awake, so i slept for about 4 months and more or less just wasted away. They are crippling. The way I got over them was by finally just facing up to them...realizing that they couldnt kill me and basically ignoring them. I know that sounds hard right now, but you have to do it when the time is right for you I reckon. I also used to do lots of nice things like listen to nice music, motivational cd's and help people out, keep busy and I know it sounds corny but live for love. I really believe that enough love casts out all fears we have...But getting to that level isn't easy, but It can be done. I think when we love enough we forget ourselves...we forget our own problems and eventually become more concered about others and learn to appreciate and make the most of things. When i got over my panic attacks years ago and i was totally free from them the feeling was amazing...I appreciated even just being able to eat my dinner without feeling anxious or being able to just go a simple walk...Life was great. Hope you can overcome them. My travel phobia is getting better now. I really think that all phobias and fears are related to depression in some way and that by focusing on all the good things in life we can overcome all the bad.

26-08-11, 16:46
Hannah I have a travel phobia these days and dont suffer from panic attacks anymore, but years ago i had them really bad, so bad that i couldnt bear to be awake, so i slept for about 4 months and more or less just wasted away. They are crippling. The way I got over them was by finally just facing up to them...realizing that they couldnt kill me and basically ignoring them. I know that sounds hard right now, but you have to do it when the time is right for you I reckon. I also used to do lots of nice things like listen to nice music, motivational cd's and help people out, keep busy and I know it sounds corny but live for love. I really believe that enough love casts out all fears we have...But getting to that level isn't easy, but It can be done. I think when we love enough we forget ourselves...we forget our own problems and eventually become more concered about others and learn to appreciate and make the most of things. When i got over my panic attacks years ago and i was totally free from them the feeling was amazing...I appreciated even just being able to eat my dinner without feeling anxious or being able to just go a simple walk...Life was great. Hope you can overcome them. My travel phobia is getting better now. I really think that all phobias and fears are related to depression in some way and that by focusing on all the good things in life we can overcome all the bad.

Hi Mrpanic

Thank you I have got soo much comfort from what you have just wrote and it all makes sense thank you again I am soo glad i read this xx

Cathy xx

26-08-11, 17:29

Thank you for what you say is so so true it has made me feel better just reading, I worry sometimes though because I know exactly what you mean love can conquer but what if your to scared to ever be in love or love anyone, Dont get me wrong I have alot of love from my family but I am scared to give it or recieve it from anyone else becasue I dont think they will see past the panic so its sory of like a catch 22 situation, the love from my family is not the same as from a partner.
Am I making any sennse at all, sorry if not, but thank you for you reply I know that what you say is so true and I need to let go and not give in to panic but face it head on but its so very difficult when you are in the moment and you feel so terrible and scared.

28-08-11, 15:35
Hi Mrpanic

Thank you I have got soo much comfort from what you have just wrote and it all makes sense thank you again I am soo glad i read this xx

Cathy xx

Thanks Cathy xxx

28-08-11, 15:41

Thank you for what you say is so so true it has made me feel better just reading, I worry sometimes though because I know exactly what you mean love can conquer but what if your to scared to ever be in love or love anyone, Dont get me wrong I have alot of love from my family but I am scared to give it or recieve it from anyone else becasue I dont think they will see past the panic so its sory of like a catch 22 situation, the love from my family is not the same as from a partner.
Am I making any sennse at all, sorry if not, but thank you for you reply I know that what you say is so true and I need to let go and not give in to panic but face it head on but its so very difficult when you are in the moment and you feel so terrible and scared.

I know what you mean about the love thing.
I loved my grandad so much it was unbelieveable...It was like we were the same person sometimes. I felt like we were totally connected in some way, i was never closer to anyone than I was to him. As the years went on he got older and I loved him so much I tried to stay away from him a bit more and he did the same with me...We tried to do that because we loved each other so much we hoped that when he passed on it would somehow lessen the blow when he died. Well...it didnt work. Id do anything just for 5 precious minutes with him now. I wish I had just went on loving him more and more and more until we burst with love, because he deserved nothing better.

Love isnt a weak thing, its the most powerful force in the universe. Its really strong and robust and I think it should never be dilluted in any way...I think its best to keep it strong and let it flow like a river. I found that when I did that there was no fear left...Just happy memories of all the good things we all did for each other, and a love that can never die. I hope im making sense to you. I know its hard to love somtimes, but ...well...go out into the street and ask 100 people what the most important thing is in life (or what is the meaning of life) and im sure most of them will respond with the word 'love'. I really believe love is the reason we are all here, its the highest standard to reach for.

If we love with everything we have we will never have any real regrets because its the highest and greatest.

28-08-11, 15:58

29-08-11, 08:12
Love isnt a weak thing, its the most powerful force in the universe. Its really strong and robust and I think it should never be dilluted in any way...I think its best to keep it strong and let it flow like a river. I found that when I did that there was no fear left...Just happy memories of all the good things we all did for each other, and a love that can never die. I hope im making sense to you. I know its hard to love somtimes, but ...well...go out into the street and ask 100 people what the most important thing is in life (or what is the meaning of life) and im sure most of them will respond with the word 'love'. I really believe love is the reason we are all here, its the highest standard to reach for.

If we love with everything we have we will never have any real regrets because its the highest and greatest. http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/images/nmp/buttons/quote.gif (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/newreply.php?do=newreply&p=870657)

Very well put, Mr.Panic! I do agree with you ...... but hannah, I also know that when you are in the middle of one of those attacks, holy moly, it's very hard to see things differently, all you see and feel is fear! But, perhaps, if you began now to think more positively, over a period of time (not right away) maybe your perspective might change, so that when you DO have another panic attack, you can talk yourself out of it ..... what I've noticed is that I might keep having these attacks (hopefully not), but what's important is that I can deal with them, that I can somehow manage them .... so that it won't totally cripple me. Like I said, learning to "manage' panic or anxiety is something that takes time, so maybe a little everyday .... you can begin to tell yourself "I'm ok", or "it'll be alright", or "I can handle things"...whatever. I noticed for myself, that if I did that, more and more everyday, I sort of gained more of a feeling of SELF EMPOWERMENT, and didnt' feel so "UNDER" that panic ...do you see?
I have a feeling, that many of us, may feel that we dont' have control in our lives, or that we lack SELF EMPOWERMENT ... now obviously I can't speak for anyone else....but I can speak for myself ...... I am not a timid person at all, but for some reason, DEEP DOWN I think I lack the feeling of SELF EMPOWERMENT over life ....so, once I realized that, it was like realizing the ROOT of the problem .... if we don't get to the ROOT of why we have these attacks, how will we be able to conquer them?
So....that is what I'm doing .... :I'm trying to figure out the root problem, and hope that will help ... in the meantime, the xanax is never far away! LOL.......I do hope you're feeling better by now .....:hugs:

29-08-11, 13:18
Love isnt a weak thing, its the most powerful force in the universe. Its really strong and robust and I think it should never be dilluted in any way...I think its best to keep it strong and let it flow like a river. I found that when I did that there was no fear left...Just happy memories of all the good things we all did for each other, and a love that can never die. I hope im making sense to you. I know its hard to love somtimes, but ...well...go out into the street and ask 100 people what the most important thing is in life (or what is the meaning of life) and im sure most of them will respond with the word 'love'. I really believe love is the reason we are all here, its the highest standard to reach for.

If we love with everything we have we will never have any real regrets because its the highest and greatest. http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/images/nmp/buttons/quote.gif (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/newreply.php?do=newreply&p=870657)

Very well put, Mr.Panic! I do agree with you ...... but hannah, I also know that when you are in the middle of one of those attacks, holy moly, it's very hard to see things differently, all you see and feel is fear! But, perhaps, if you began now to think more positively, over a period of time (not right away) maybe your perspective might change, so that when you DO have another panic attack, you can talk yourself out of it ..... what I've noticed is that I might keep having these attacks (hopefully not), but what's important is that I can deal with them, that I can somehow manage them .... so that it won't totally cripple me. Like I said, learning to "manage' panic or anxiety is something that takes time, so maybe a little everyday .... you can begin to tell yourself "I'm ok", or "it'll be alright", or "I can handle things"...whatever. I noticed for myself, that if I did that, more and more everyday, I sort of gained more of a feeling of SELF EMPOWERMENT, and didnt' feel so "UNDER" that panic ...do you see?
I have a feeling, that many of us, may feel that we dont' have control in our lives, or that we lack SELF EMPOWERMENT ... now obviously I can't speak for anyone else....but I can speak for myself ...... I am not a timid person at all, but for some reason, DEEP DOWN I think I lack the feeling of SELF EMPOWERMENT over life ....so, once I realized that, it was like realizing the ROOT of the problem .... if we don't get to the ROOT of why we have these attacks, how will we be able to conquer them?
So....that is what I'm doing .... :I'm trying to figure out the root problem, and hope that will help ... in the meantime, the xanax is never far away! LOL.......I do hope you're feeling better by now .....:hugs:

I totally agree.
Another thing i just want to add is that somtimes we give something power by thinking about it. With phobias of say 'getting on a bus', we give the enemy (the panic) power over us by worrying about it, by thinking about it etc, we make an enemy that isnt 'out' there but is 'inside us'. In other words we are the enemy. We have to learn to change our thoughts. There is nothing wrong or bad with the bus, we have just started to see it as an enemy. Its the same with anything; 'love/death/other people etc', if we see an outside influence as a threat or enemy we give them power over us.
Again, it's very hard to explain.
I'd like to recommend a book to the original poster which helped me greatly in matters like this, it's called 'feel the fear and do it anyway by susan jeffers'. There are also audiobook versions out there and listening to that everyday was a great help to me, as well as the book 'how to stop worrying and start living by Dale carnegie', here are some links, i hope they might help :)

