View Full Version : Pregnant Newbie with panic attacks

12-05-06, 04:33
Hi all, im so glad that i have found this site. Its nice to know im not the only one.

Here is my problem:

I am 34 weeks pregnant and have recently started experiancing panic attacks. I have only been getting two hours sleep a night for the last month. Firstly it started off because i need to go to the tiolet during the night every hour or so (i have now been diagnosed with gestational diabetes),I also have restless leg syndrome, this is also keeping me awake. It then developed into what i thought maybe sleep apnoea, as I sometimes woke up startled and short of breath. Now whenever i start to doze off I am rewoken by a panic attack. The only time i manage to sleep is after 5am and thats only for a couple of hours. There is no warning. I am terrified, I feel so out of control. I want the baby out of me so i can be given medication. Is there anyone on here that is in my situation??


12-05-06, 08:12
hi there sue! and welcome.i too am pregnant (9 weeks)and i too suffer from panic attacks.i have done 4 6 years now.i know how scary they can be but the main thing you have to remember is panic attackes cannot hurt you.there is plently of information on this site about how to relax and control your breathing.just try to relax (hard i know)also maybe you could go to your gp for some help too?just remember your not alone.feel free to pm me anytime.take care and try and enjoy the rest of your pregnancy luv mooxXx

12-05-06, 13:17
Hi Sue,

Welcome to the forum, you will get a lot of good advice here and make some new friends

Take care
Trac xx

'Live your life with arms wide open, today is where your book begins, the rest is still unwritten'

12-05-06, 13:36
Hi Sue

Welcome to the forum.

Congrats on the pregnancy.

You will find lots of help & support on here.

Take Care


Many People Will Walk
In & Out Of Your Life
But Only True Friends
Will Leave Footprints
In Your Heart

12-05-06, 14:02
Hi Sue

Totally relate to you my love. My panic started when I became pregnant with my daughter in 2000. My fears started becoming irrational - things like I would die in childbirth etc.

My health visitor was amazing and I started tablets as soon as Daisy was born.

I was feeling so out of control with the whole situation and people just kept saying this was supposed to be the most wonderful time of life - yikes !!!

You will be fine, easy for me to say, but you will. IN the meantime we are all here to support you hunny.

Please feel free to PM if you want with any questions.

Much love


12-05-06, 16:12
Welcome to the forum Sue
Love Helen

12-05-06, 21:53
pregnancy can be a stressful time for a woman ( and man before anyone shouts at me lol) firstly if you are not sleeping then i think this may have triggered the panic, i know that after i had my twins the lack of sleep brought on my worst symptoms of panic

good for you if you know that after wards you will perhaps need help but remember that the two best medications are good nutrition and rest. i hope you have good help as both of these will be hard when you are a a new mum. try to rest now and make sure you get enough to eat

let us know how you are getting on


april tones
12-05-06, 22:23
Hi, i had panic attacks during pregnancy!
i had had before but happened when pregnant
It is the hormones.
Try some relaxation cds to do at night, like waves and oceans x
I have fibromyalgia also so i now what restelss legs are like xx

fibrochat) http://apriltones.proboards54.com

13-05-06, 00:20
Thanks all for your responses, you all sounds like a great bunch!

Its just so nice to know that i'm not the only one to experience these symptoms.

I had an appointment with a phyciatrist today but he wasn't much use, he admitted i was a bit out of his league as he delt with patients that have mental problems rather that anxiety.

Basicly he told me about the paper bag method and getting lots of support from my family. I feel a little more possitive, but then again I felt possitive last night but had an awful night. All I can pin my hopes on now is seeing my consultant on Monday to see if he will induce me early (provided the baby will be ok). I really do think that once i have the baby my panic attacks will stop.

april tones
13-05-06, 00:23
What was it like last night? it is horrible i know xx

fibrochat) http://apriltones.proboards54.com

13-05-06, 04:33
Terrible, I had quite a few attacks. The worst one was when I fell asleep down stairs and woke up feeling frightened I was pacing around the room thinking who can I call, shall I go to hospital, shall I phone someone. In the end I went up stairs and woke my husband up and explained to him that I was very scared and needed a cuddle, it did work. I calmed down my breathing rate went back to normal and I even managed to fall asleep in his arms for about 10 minutes, I wasn’t even aware that I had fallen asleep until he told me.

But I think i may have found a bit of a breakthrough tonight. I came across a website that explains everything about panic attacks and what causes them. It would appear that mine is due to over breathing. I have tested it out tonight and haven't had a panic attack so far. Am I allowed to post the link??


May Day
13-05-06, 12:37
Hi Sue and welcome to the site

It sounds like you're in a viscious circle ... you know you don't sleep well so you don't sleep well ... what do you think about when you're laying awake for all those hours? ... anxiety can't hurt you, it's just a feeling ... keep that in mind and hopefully you'll relax and settle better at night ... you have a wonderful baby to look forward to ... don't let your anxiety get in the way of that thought ... lack of sleep heightens our other senses and this could be happening to you ... if your husband is able to support and comfort you then you are on to a winner so make the most of it ... don't be afraid to ask for it

good luck


The brightest, sunniest day may follow the darkest, stormiest night ... enjoy the sun