View Full Version : Talking about/trying to dismiss anxiety actually makes it worse?

26-08-11, 14:32

A few of you may remember my previous posts about my health anxiety, which is currently controlling my life. I've been doing a lot of thinking (as we all do), and I wonder if anyone else feels the same way as I do. I've made a list below of the things that seem to make my anxiety worse at the moment:

Fear of talking about (especially writing down) your anxieties in case it makes them more likely.
Fear of dismissing your anxieties, almost as if you'll get payback for trying to counteract or ignore them. "You must take these thoughts seriously or you're asking for trouble."
Fear of "getting on with life" in case, as above, there'll be some kind of payback.

Obviously these fears worry me (on top of my existing worries) in case they become so great that they stop me trying to seek help for my anxiety. Almost as a perfect example, as I wrote that sentence, a little (very loud) voice in my head said, "You may think it's just anxiety, but what if what you're anxious about is really true? All of the posts you write here & the help you're seeking for 'anxiety' is pointless."

I'm hoping to have a weekend in London next month but the thought of it is currently making my anxiety worse, as I know if I go feeling like I'm feeling, I won't want to be there or around people. The other option would be to say "I'm going to have a nice weekend and not think about my anxiety thoughts" (which is what people have been telling me to do), but this is where 2 & 3 on the list come into my head. I want to go and see my friends, but I'm terrified.

Does anyone else have these, or similar thought patterns?

26-08-11, 14:45

This is your habit of thinking and it's like we punish ourselves and we think this is the way we should be thinking but it isn't. You have got to put a positive thought in its place and let the bad things float out of your head. Claire weekes book self help for your nerves will defo help you. Remember it's a habit of thinking and you have to change it and lose it. I hope this helps good luck

Cathy xx

26-08-11, 19:45
Thanks Cathy... I'll definitely have a look for that book. I'm so desperate to change my thinking, but I'm so scared that doing it will make things worse. Professionally etc. I'm such a logical thinker, but when it comes to anxiety, health, etc. everything seems to change. Is it something you struggle with?

27-08-11, 17:44
Yes especially if it's my own health lol xx