View Full Version : Wisdom tooth/ periocoronitis can it really be so painful?

26-08-11, 17:19
Periochronitis / wisdom teeth pain anyone??????
Ok so i am suffering majorly with jaw ache, head ache and neck ache. I went to the dentist tuesday who said I have a partially erupted wisdom tooth abd infection called periocoronitis. But I am having a hard time believing that a tooth can cause all this pain? I have been worried about a brain tumour but am trying to calm my anxietys and believe the dentist. So if any of you have suffered bad from wisdom teeth or periocoronitis please let me know your experiences and if it rely can cause your whole head to ache and have shooting pains??????

26-08-11, 17:35
Hi Kirsty
I'm sorry to hear you're in so much pain & feeling rough.
Unfortunately, the condition you have is extremley painful & what you're experiencing is normal. I'm a dental nurse & have seen many people over the years going through this-as you say, it's ubelievable that a tooth can cause so much agony!
Are you taking any particular type of painkiller or antibiotic?
If you'd rather, feel free to PM me, no prob xx