View Full Version : New job and anxiety

12-05-06, 09:30
I started a new job 2 weeks ago after a long break being at home with children (amongst other reasons). How do I calm down and stop my heart from pounding in my chest, I can feel it all over my body actually and Monday I felt so stressed and anxious I had the most horrible migraine attack, I couldn't see to get home and then I had a PA, I just feel that I can't cope with work but I need to, I've got to face this thing and get on with my life now. I've tried my GP but she has said she can only suggest beta blockers and I am too young for those, I ache all over and burst into tears everytime I think about my situation :( Any suggestions to get me through this?

12-05-06, 10:00
Sorry to hear that you feel so bad. It's only natural to be a little anxious about returning to work after a break. Have you tried herbal remedies like Kalms, Bachs rescue remedy is good too, not as strong as meds from dr from they do take the edge off it. Have you tried the breathing techniques too? There is info onfo on dealing with panic attacks on this site and others. Also, any chance of seeing another doctor as yours doesn't seem too helpful. Hope this helps and you feel better soon.


'This too will pass'

marie ross
12-05-06, 16:05
Hi Delta,

Was it the doctor that said you were to old for beta-blockers, because i'm 33 and on them, and i was in exactly the same position as you, a pounding heart that made me so anxious and scared. After taking beta-blockers, the pounding has gone and i'm soooo glad i started taking them.

Maybe you should go and see your doctor again, or see another one, because the one you've got does'nt sound very sympathetic at all.

Take c are.

Marie XXX

13-05-06, 13:11
Hi delta

I know what your going through. I went back to work after years of not working as i could not go far from the house. I then got a cleaning job in my local school, which is only a five min walk away. At first it was dreadful i was hot and sweating and dizzy all the time but honestly it does get better. You just have to stick it out, please try and not give up the job.

I have now been there 3 years and became the cleaning supervisor something i never thought i could do. I still have anxiety at times but you learn that you got through it before and you will again. I don't want you to think anxiety will totally go but it does not rule your life quite so much.

I am starting a new job on Tuesday, which is full time and shift work so horrible early mornings which i hate as i do not sleep that well. But i have to work and so that is what makes me keep going.

Kalm's are great i have recently been taking them and they really do seem to be helping me, try them with the rescue remedy.

Be proud of the fact that you have gone back to work.

Take care


13-05-06, 20:05
Hi everyone
Thanks for all your replies and positive comments. I realised that I had forgotton all of my usual coping methods, I suffer with chronic hyperventilation syndrome and have been concentrating so hard on trying to deal with this I'd forgotten about the stress and anxiety affecting me going back to work. I've been out today and bought some rescue remedy so thanks for suggesting that, I wasn't sure about taking the Kalms as well but I think I will give them a go too, is it ok to take them at the same time. Also how often do I need to take the rescue remedy?

Good luck for Tuesday Pauline, I can't imagine being ready to go back full time, I hope to when the children don't need me so much, I'm doing 18 hours a week at the moment and 2 half days at college, the rest of the time I am running around after the kids, cooking and cleaning.

marie - my GP said I was too young for BBs, don't know why.

Thanks again :D

14-05-06, 18:36
Hi Delta

Good to hear your sounding more postive it's what we anxiety suffers need more of.

Yes you can take the Kalms and rescue remedy they will not harm you at all. Take 2 kalms in the morning and then later on in the afternoon if you need to. You can either put some rescue remedy in a small bottle of water and drink that as you go along in the day. Or if you find yourself very panicky just spray 5 times on your tongue. I carry mine with me all the time.

You should be very proud of yourself.

Take care


14-05-06, 18:39
Ps I mean't to say you can use the rescue remedy when ever you feel you need to use it.


15-05-06, 00:11
hey I used to get anaxiety attacks just driving around delivering pizza. I know how you feel but jogging helped me alot!! try exercising. get too tired to be anxious! jim