View Full Version : For anyone who has Interstital Cystitis or Urinary Problems MSG

26-08-11, 21:06
I have had bladder pain and urine frequency for weeks now and yesterday went to hospital. To cut a long story short, there is nothing serious wrong with my bladder or kidneys but I need to see a urologist as interstital cystitis seems to be what condition I have. The doctor put me on buscopan 10mg (2 tablets 3 times a day). The relief was immediate and this is my first pain killer free day in a long time. However, this evening I had a bowl of home-made vegetable soup which I cooked with a veg stock cube. I usually use the low salt variety but had run out and used a regular one. IMMEDIATELY after the soup I got extremely painful urge to go to the toilet. Straight away after going I had to go again. Since then I have had very bad pain and pressure. Then I found this on the internet:-
Monosodium Glutamate

Monosodium glutamate---also known as MSG---is a salt substitute used for its flavor-enhancing properties. Like other chemical food additives, MSG is a possible bladder irritant in patients with interstitial cystitis and other bladder diseases. MSG is frequently added to many kinds of savory food products, some of which include bouillon cubes, sauces and seasoning mixes.

There is a lot of MSG in the stock I used. NEVER using it again. !

Hazel B
26-08-11, 21:25
You can get help and advice at:

your diet can help if you make changes.:)

26-04-12, 21:23
Thanks for sharing. I don't have IC - I have frequent UTIs but they're bacterial, but for a while I thought I had IC. I take Fem Dophilus now and it helps with my bladder health. Thanks for spreading the word though because if you help anyone with IC it will be worth it! I know the pain of cystitis and it is really really awful.