View Full Version : I just cant get back to thinking positively

12-05-06, 10:34
I am so sorry for posting yet again, but I feel like I'm on theedge of some kind of emotional / HA relapse.

I've been doing ok for the past few weeks but suddenly, I feel like all of my positive thinking and perspective has just dissapeared.

About a week ago, I started feeling dizzy and woozy (like you feel when you are hung over - except no headaches, just the unsteadyness) only now and again. When I try to distract myself, it does ease a bit, but its still there in the wings.

Anyway, if you have read my post from earlier this week, you will see I've been struggling with some nose bleeds. I've been to see the doctor this morning as the nose thing was really frightening me. The doctor said the inside of my nose looked a bit red and was probably infected a bit. He has given me some cream. Still, my nose feels like it could set off again at any moment - although it hasnt bled since Wed evening.

I just feel so tired of not feeling well. I was on the phone today to my Mam back home and ended up crying as I'm sick of this health anxiety. I just want to know that all of these symptoms are not indicative of something bad.

I'm so, so sorry for going over the same ground again, I just wish I could get some sort of perspective back.


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12-05-06, 12:42
Hi Dan,

If it's any help, I went to the Doctors about three weeks ago with a nose infection that affected my throat and made me a little dizzy. The Doctor also gave me some cream that cleared the nose infection up very quickly [stupidly I'd had it for over two weeks previously]. The nose infection gave me a throat infection… sometimes it all conspires against you, which does wonders for your HA.

The Doctor also said that my sinuses would have some bearing on my dizziness. Have you had your sinuses checked? Also inner ear infections can be really dramatic in terms of dizziness. When I get very anxious it affects my balance and my speech.

The trick is to keep the faith and stay positive. I know that it’s very difficult to implement and easy to say. I find that I try to stay as positive as I can and then when my brain eventually reaches a point when I’m calmer I take steps to look after myself and eat well etc…

You will feel better at some point. I know you will.

Take care,

~~~ It is a poor heart, and a poorer age, that cannot accept the conditions of life with some heroic readiness. RLS. ~~~

12-05-06, 12:51

I Just posted to say I feel the same......check it out topic is ARGH!

I have been doing so well when Bam feel like ****e!
I want my HA to go away now! I am sick of thinking i am going to die and waiting around for something bad to happen.

I dont know what will reassure me a no-one can guarantee.
I am waiting on medical results but will that reassure me....prob not. I want t brain scan as I suffer terrible head pains (twinges not headaches) But my doc says its stress!

Ive told me other half if anything happen to me then he is to sue my doctor and then have 'I told you so ' on my grave!!!!

Nuts i am.....lol

I just want to live a happy life for longer then a few wekks at a time!


Hay x

12-05-06, 17:25
I've had so many trips to the doctors in the last year I've lost count. I just have to admit that there is usually nothing major wrong now - my friends and family and even doctors keep saying that I just need to trust and have faith!!


'This too will pass'

Two heads
12-05-06, 18:59
I think my doctor thinks im looseing the plot as everytime she sees me theres something else im worrying about!I have been worrying about my bruiseing today and ive been worrying if its an indication that its something bad!So i really no how you feel with this health anxiety hun.
Have you had a cold lately all maybe hay fever?xxx

13-05-06, 12:40

i get really bad hay fever, but dont remember sneezing a lot before the nose bleeds started. Maybe a little bit.

I'm just scared of it starting again.

I feel so stupid and weak at having lapsed into health anxiety again. Am I ever going to get rid of this??????????

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14-05-06, 17:20
even though the doctor said that this is most likely a nasal infection, I'm really scaring myself by thinking its a tumour or something.....even though it hasnt bled badly for almost three days, just a few little bits in the morning's. I'm really scared and my partner is being so supportive but i feel like im totally testing her patience......

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15-05-06, 00:32
dan I had similar feeling but you have to fight it!!! Force your self to get your mind right! excercising is one of my keys! many days I feel lousy but force myself to get out and run! used your obsessive in a postive way! I wrote a book. you can do something similar!!!! jim

15-05-06, 09:10
hey Dan,dont ever apologise 4 how you are feeling mate!It is such a real and convincing feeling ,i know!It is a nose infection,but that's not thepoint,it's how that makes yoiu,FEEL and react that's the proben and it is vile!!It will pass Dan.I,too, am going thrua very rough pattch after feeling almost 'cured'.I t brings you down mate i know.Looking at the other replies,i see the one about excersise and think this is a good idea,if mot exercise then somethinf else that absorbs your thoughts,so we stop obssesing about our fears,hey you guys,any other ideas????Keep strong Dan ,we all her 4 you.love mary-rose.xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

we are all in the same boat and can guide each other ashore

16-05-06, 10:54

My nose has started to bleed a little bit again. not as much as last week, but a little bit when I swallow. there are spots of dried blood in my spit (its def coming from my nose though). really scared. really, really scared. do you think a sinus infection could last for more than a week? the doctor said it was an infection, but i just cant get my head round this. surely it would have completely healed by now wouldnt it??

I am really really scared by this, please, any advice would be welcome.

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