View Full Version : almost a month and no effect

27-08-11, 00:18
I was suffering from anxiety a few weeks back but am now over it and am feeling well mentally. However I have had symptoms for the past 6 months with a itchy/painful throat, constant burping and dry lips/mouth. My GP told me to go on Citalopram which may ease the symptoms. I have been on 10mg for just under a month and still feel no better, what should I do its ruining my life!

27-08-11, 00:34
Medication alone will not cure you I am afraid.

You need to do self-help and therapy alongside it

It also takes up to 6 months for the full effect if you do choose medication

27-08-11, 00:52
Nic is right .But also you will need a stronger dose to get any benefit from Citalopram .10mg isnt going to do much at all .,if anything .Ask your Gp to up your dose to 20mg and see how you feel ,Also ask about CBT THERAPY .The Dr can refer you for this .There is usually a waiting list, so best to get on the list now if you can ...T/c Sue

27-08-11, 10:03
Medication alone will not cure you I am afraid.

You need to do self-help and therapy alongside it

It also takes up to 6 months for the full effect if you do choose medication
6 months for the FULL effect- may be (i say may be). But it takes 4-5 weeks for some 80-90% improvement of the symptoms, that's my experience with taking Citalopram 4 times for the last 8 years. If someone's been taking it for more than month and there's no improvement- the dose should be upped as a next step. Waiting 6 months for an AD to help is foolish (to say the least).

27-08-11, 11:26
I dont think Nic was saying it takes 6months to work ..Its the minimum time you would expect to be on it for it to help you .Thats when the dose has reached its "Theraputic level "and you have become stable .ie improvement in symptoms and benefits .You could be on it longer depending how long this initial process takes .. ..Sue

27-08-11, 13:52
My doctor told me that you needed to be on a medication for at least 6 months to get the full effect from it.

27-08-11, 14:30
At least six months AFTER the symptoms have gone away (at least most of them), i agree. That's written on the medicine leaflet, too. But the symptoms should go away in a month or a little more. That's what my doctor told me- if you don't get well enough in a 4-6 weeks, the dose should be upped/medicine changed. Otherwise it is a waste of time, the medicine will not help you if it hasn't for the previous several weeks...

27-08-11, 14:45
Thats what I said ..:)

27-08-11, 17:42
To be honest I think everyone is different and what works for one doesn't work for another.

E.G. I was on Prozac for nearly a year and it did nothing much for me!

27-08-11, 18:01
It took about 5 months before I was myself. That was last september when I first started them and after 7 months I stupidly came off them. I am now back on them 9 weeks now and I am still struggling on them, I feel a little bit better but I am trying to think positive and that's not easy. I am staying on them because I think it takes 6 months to feel your back to your old self I am only sorry I came off them in the first place. I could kick myself. I fam on 40mg.

I do hate being on them though.

Cathy xx

27-08-11, 20:08
I was suffering from anxiety a few weeks back but am now over it and am feeling well mentally. However I have had symptoms for the past 6 months with a itchy/painful throat, constant burping and dry lips/mouth. My GP told me to go on Citalopram which may ease the symptoms. I have been on 10mg for just under a month and still feel no better, what should I do its ruining my life!
Hi the throat symptoms you are describing are a recognised anxiety symptom -I get like this I even had a scope put down my throat to check everything was ok-and it was ! Globus hystericus is another recognized symptom of anxiety when the muscles in the throat tighten giving the symptoms you describe. Your burping may be indigestion !! If your gp isnt worried it then dont you be !! BUT I know what its like even if you re told theres nothing wrong the anxiety tells you there is. Hope this helps x

30-08-11, 10:55
To be honest I think everyone is different and what works for one doesn't work for another.

E.G. I was on Prozac for nearly a year and it did nothing much for me!

What do you take now nicola?

Cathy xx

30-08-11, 14:44
Hi Cathy

Sorry I didn't make it very clear in my post lol.

I was last on Prozac 14 years ago and then stopped it as I never felt it helped me.

02-09-11, 00:25
I'm into week 5 on cit, I am feeling better slowly but surely this week. I was on 20 mg but upped it to 30 mg 5 days ago. Do not sure what's making me improve really????

03-09-11, 18:58
I'm into week 5 on cit, I am feeling better slowly but surely this week. I was on 20 mg but upped it to 30 mg 5 days ago. Do not sure what's making me improve really????

yorkman how is your upped dose going i am thinking of upping mine to 30!