View Full Version : Problems swallowing - Please help

27-08-11, 07:30
This is the first time I have posted on here but have sufferd from health anxiety for years, mainly associated with cancer.

At the moment I feel quite desparate about my latest health worry. I had a small stomach ulcer a couple of years ago which took ages to clear up. Not caused by helico-bacter but never found out why i had it. Eventually the symptoms all but went then I got what I thought was globus hystericus and although annoying, didn't worry too much. But I'm quite an anxious person by nature and going through a lot of stress at the moment
For the past week or so, it seems to be getting worse. I have a sensation that my food won't go down and is stuck in my oesophagus, which used to feel better when I ate something. Now it doesn't and is there most of the time. I aslo have the following
Strangulation feeling
constant swallowing
throat clearing,
mucus at back of throat/nose
constant burping during and immediately after eating
tight chest/mild pain
some acid relux
mild sore throat sometimes
inner ear pain
I'm really worried that the feeling doesn't go away when I eat like it did before and this means I must have oesophageal cancer. I like a glass of wine at night and in my mind I think I deserve to get cancer.

I daren't go to my doctors as I'm scared of all the tests/more worry and even of the embarrassment. Something really stressful happned at work yesterday and everything seems to be getting out of control. Now I don't want to eat and keep running to toilet with diahorea. My husband is really patient and kind but must be sick of me. I don't want to worry my grown up kids and other family members. Could someon please tell me they have had the same symptoms and not had cancer?:scared15: Please help me.

27-08-11, 10:00
Oh Hun bless you, know how you are feeling on so many levels and it sucks. My latest health concern is my head-brain tumour tho apparently it is my wisdom tooth and infection causing all my symptoms I do not believe it.

I can sympathise with you and with regards to running to the toilet I get that when I am nervous and especially anxious.

I also get the throat thing specially with mucas, it sometimes feels like I have a cold on the way but it never really develops. But as you have some ear pain too maybe your symptoms could be related to an infection..... Not cancer just an infection. You should visit the doctor I had to yesterday and tho I am crying on the inside due to my health anxieties I always seem to joke about them in the doctors. Anyway sounds to me like you need to relax..... Have a bottle of wine instead of a glass lol..... No just joking. But really just take a step back and try to chill. I have the throat thing a little at the moment along with my bad head :(

27-08-11, 10:05
Oh and the chest pain i get so often it is not nice but anxiety so I am told can cause soooooo many of these different symptoms.

27-08-11, 13:02
Thanks for your kind message. It made me fel better that someone I don't know cares enough to take the time to reply.

Brain tumour isn't something I've dignosed myself with - yet - but sure that will be on list at some point. I hope you get things sorted. Sounds like it's all in hand, which is good. I can relate to the jokey behaviour in GP surgery. My GP is very efficient with tests and such but but like robo-doc - very clinical and cold and although not impolite, I don't think he likes people very much.
Thanks again