View Full Version : Numbness, tingling and pins and needles.

27-08-11, 10:17
Okay so I'm 23 and havesuffered from sever anxiety since I was 15, the worries come and go but recently like 3 weeks ago I got a twitchy eye (my lower eyelid) and I still get it every day! I thought the worst then I had a panic a few days ago at my Place where my friend was talking to Me and got dizzy, anxious and freaked out, felt hot an cold and faint and went and laid down for a while...then a couple days later I got slight numbness predominantly in my left arm constantly and then my left leg and now I get a hot, tingling and prickly, pins and needles sensation mainly in my left side, when I'm exercising I don't think about it but I'm in America atm away from home in Australia and have had so stress and stuff happening in my life like new bf and travelling to another country and going to BUrnig Man festival! I should be happy and excited but I'm anxious and afraid the medical system can't help me here and it would cost millions plus I'm away from family (I'm really close to mum and miss her!) she makes everything better...doctors in Australia are cheap (some free) and in America everyone tells me about how shocking the health system is here. I dunno what to do, I should be happy bur my health worries are holding me back so much- I've also had a bad cough for a few weeks (been on anti biotics for about a week) I am so down and feel like I get a new symptom everyday :-( any advice? Can someone help me - I'm tired of feeling so afraid

29-08-11, 21:28
Hi! I'm new here and I'm also 23 years old. I think I've suffered with anxiety since being 18/19 years old and also have had some of the same symptoms as you. When my anxiety first started out I used to get pins and needles in my hands and sometimes in my feet along with aching muscles, muscle spasms and twitching. I stupidly googled the symptoms to find the worst.. and after going to the doctors in tears I was told there was nothing wrong with me and it was probably just anxiety. I went through a period of getting the tingling sensation down the right side of my leg - I only really felt it at night when in bed and not when up and about. I still get this feeling now and again - it's not painful just really annoying! Now my symptoms seem to just be twitching of the eye now and again (like today..!) and occassional muscle spasms. I've just started taking citalopram so I'm not sure if I'm also experiencing some side effects also. I hope you feel better soon - I hate feeling like this and always worrying but I hope to be able to speak to a therapist soon. My mum has also just ordered me Paul Mckenna's book on anxiety so I'm hoping that will do some good! xx

29-08-11, 21:43
http://http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/articles/symptoms/ Read this it will explain why you feel like you do . Sue

09-01-12, 07:32
It didn't open Sue...:(