View Full Version : mucus in stool how much is too much

worried girl
27-08-11, 10:45
I am sorry for the TMI of this post. I have read that a small amount of mucus in stool is normal but I can't figure what small means in that case. I know that if I look for it closely I can defintely see some. It is always clear if that makes any differerence. I have also noticed the same thing in my baby. That is mean this can all be regarded as ok and not a sign of disease. I am really having a moment over it and it is not the type of things I feel comfortable talking about with anyone so I don't know who else to ask. By the way I do not think I have ibs because apart from that I have no problems whatsoever. Thank you for any insight.

worried girl
27-08-11, 11:44
Anyone ?

27-08-11, 22:28
Mucus is normal even mucus on its own with no stool is usually just sign of IBS.
My GP said that if you pass large amounts of mucus on its own or especially with blood and it last for longer than 6 weeks then obviously you need checking out but the most common reason for excess mucus passed on its own is IBS.

HOpe this helps. Sounds like you might be getting a mite obsessive with the checking???