View Full Version : need help

27-08-11, 12:19
Dont know where to start im reali strugglin lately. im always worryin about everything it keeps me awake at night. im constantly thinking the worst stressing out. i worry about silly things but i cant stop i dont know what to do its getting worse

27-08-11, 13:09
hi i have the same problem, its gotten really bad im going to the doctors every other day to get things checked out.

And out of getting every single thing checked out theres only been one thing wrong which were my bloods something in my bloods were low but i had a retest two weeks later and it were fine.

i often write lists of things that i want to get checked out just to see if they are ok...so now my doctors said to me.... cause she knows i suffer bad from anxiety shes happy to see me once a week so i can talk to her and put my mind at ease.

I worry more when im alone, when im around people i feel a bit better and at night time it hits me the most.

Its a horrible thing to go through =[


27-08-11, 13:40
I know its horrible. the other night i got woken up by my cat then couldnt go back to sleep voz i worried there was a burgular i kno that sounds silly but it gt so bad i kept thinkin the worst i had to get up to check my kids were ok. i also worry about silly things but i somehow make them seem bigger its controlling my life.

27-08-11, 17:16
i wake up in the middle of the night too, and cant get myself back to sleep. what tablets has the doctor prescribed you? xx