View Full Version : A&e or dentaline help please

27-08-11, 14:10
I have been getting horrible head pains/headache since last Friday the dentist said i have a partially erupted wisdom tooth and periochronitis but my tooth don't hurt it's the constant pain in my head and shooting pains. Today I am feeling really yukky and my head hurts and aches constantly. I need to get something sorted I can't carry on like this but don't know whether to go to dentaline or a&e??????? I am taking Naxopron and have been on antibiotics but nothing touches it

27-08-11, 14:12
I don't think A&E will help to be honest.

Why not call NHS direct and ask their advice or do you have an out of hours doctor?

macc noodle
27-08-11, 14:15
What about an our of hours dentist - you call your regular dentist and they usually have an emergency line.

Generally if it is a dental issue, and currently under treatment by the dentist (who prescribed the antibiotics?), then the dentist is the first port of call.

Hope that helps.

Macc Noodle

27-08-11, 14:38
But it doesn't feel tooth related i am really scared it's a tumour :( saw doctor yesterday and he just prescribed pain killers but there not working :(

27-08-11, 14:57
Hi Kirsty,

I'd also suggest seeing a dentist primarily as I believe they tend to know more about the details of that area, and explain to them your concerns. It could be that you're experiencing referred pain, which isn't really something I'm an expert on, but I know doctors have said that to me before, so although it feels very painful in your head, it's quite possible it's just something small (like your wisdom tooth) that's causing the pain.

I would go with Macc Noodle's suggestion & call your dentist to see if they have an out of hours contact.

27-08-11, 16:13
ive just half got a wisdom tooth and i was in so much pain i couldnt sleep theres nothing they can do unless its infected i had pain all round my jaw id try the dentist if your really worried

27-08-11, 16:20
Read my posts. I've a 101 symptoms because of my wisdom teeth.
They can cause TMJ which puts pressure on your jaw joint.
Causing the mucles to tense up causing headaches.
Neck ache , pressure etc..
Then the wisdom teeth can cause your jaw bone to ache , I get sharp pains from my ear through my jaw and neck and into my chest.
Go to a doctor for stronger painkillers and get the wisdom teeth out maybe.

27-08-11, 20:13
Thank you. I have constant jaw ache and head ache. My cheeks hurt, my head and face tingles. Behind my ear hurts and my throat feels all gloopy, I feel sick and my fingers tingle and keep having muscle twitches. Went dentaline and he has just given me more antibiotics. I am soooooo scares it's not really tooth related and I have a brain tumour

27-08-11, 20:35
It doesn't sound like a brain tumour to me to be honest. The pain would be absolutely unbearable.