View Full Version : I hit my head, please help

Gemma T
27-08-11, 17:25
I went to the hairdressers earlier and hit the left side of my head towards the back. It hurt a little at the time but that was all. I've hit it a lot more worse in the past.

It wasn't until about 30 mins or so when I told my hairdresser that I felt a little fuzzy. This only lasted a few seconds then went. I was thinking about it and getting worried.

I came out and told my mum and sis and checked my head for a bump. There is a bump and since then I've felt ill. Like there is pressure in my head that comes and goes. Also feels like pressure is building in my ears and I can hear my pulse and blood rushing. Iave a slight headache and the bump don't hurt too touch.

Is it me over reactinng or shall I go. To the docto r. I felt fine until I thought about it and googled. Thanks. Love Gemma x x x

27-08-11, 17:47
Hi Gemma ,I dint think its the bump tbh thats causing the probs ,,Its your anxiety ...Im sure if you try to relax for a while maybe have a nice soak and listen to some gentle relaxing music ,you will feel much better .Having your hair done can make you feel a bit heady ,does me anyway .I honestly dont think you have anything to worry about ..Try to enjoy your evening with your new hair do .are you going out anywhere ? .:Dt/c Sue x

Gemma T
27-08-11, 17:53
Thank you Sue. I'm trying to relax. I was at home and opted 4 poppin out to take my mind off of it. All my symptoms are coming and going anway and my headache is ever so slight and comes and goes as well.

Must remember I was fine until I thought about it. I hit it about 1:30 so anything serious and I would know by now.

Thank you again

Love Gem x x x

Gemma T
27-08-11, 19:07
I'm not out tonight unfortunately :( just had a lot of split ends lol

U out tonight sue? X x x

27-08-11, 19:40
No Hubs is working ..Nite in with the tv im afraid ..Its pouring outside anyway .So I dont mind ..Hows your head now ? sue x

Gemma T
27-08-11, 20:41
Much better thank you. The pressure has stopped just a headache at the bk of my head. Hasn't stopped me spending on ebay though so no harm done.

U getting in the x facter mood? Its basically a christmas count down :)

A nice night in alone. So lucky x