View Full Version : Hopitalized reaction to meds ,Mass on Kidney found.

27-08-11, 17:42
Update: I had severe reaction to new meds given to me by new doctor. I was hopitalized yesterday,tachocardia,afib and super high blood pressure .Severe reaction to new meds. After 10 hours at ER to stabalize ,they admitted me and started running test,lung xray found shawdow on kidney and then given ultra sound"twice,ct scan, and xray again. They now want another kind of ct scan to identify a mass in kidney lower abdomen. They arent sure what it is but im in the hospital awaiting test. Anyway had to be cath because I couldnt urineate. Horrible experience. Hurts! Still in since admit. Beta blockers three times a day and got " the patch" no smoking. Saline solution round the clock to bring sodium levels up. Not really sure whats going to happen. Found out that not worth worrying about,but a little sad about how things are but could be worse,my lungs are in good shape,quitting smoking after 42 years. Didnt think I would like that but hope it works out. If they find the kidney to have cancer or something then I might just start again. Hopefully the shadow is nothing

macc noodle
27-08-11, 18:31
Could just be a stone - try and keep calm and let them do their job.

What will be will be - my thoughts and prayers are with you :)

Macc Noodle


27-08-11, 19:05
Oh Michael :ohmy:..Im so sorry to hear this ,that sounds like a severe reaction .You poor man ...Im so pleased that your lungs were ok tho .so thats something to be happy about .Hope everything turns out ok for you ..It could just be a cyst or benign lump .Kidney cysts are very common .Am thinking of you and your wife ,and sending heaps of positive thoughts your way..Stay optimistic and let us know how things go when you can ..Lots of luv Sue :bighug1::bighug1:

27-08-11, 19:12
Good luck with everything Michael and thanks for updating us.

I am thinking of you at this time

27-08-11, 19:17
Hope you are feeling better soon :hugs:

27-08-11, 19:20
Thanks everyone. I have somehow insulted my doctor and a nice nuse and offended my wife. My wife just informed me im very selfish and self centered and demanding ,so I guess I deserve this no matter what it turns out to be and I want to say that if I have been that way here with anyoneor evyone ,it wws out of innocence. I really didnt know. I thank you all for being supportive of me.

27-08-11, 20:45
Sorry you had a bad reaction Michael and hope all turns out OK.

27-08-11, 22:15
So sorry to hear this Michael. I hope everything will be okay, am thinking of you.



27-08-11, 23:14
Hey, sorry to hear you had a reaction to meds :( I think you are being very brave, I know how scared you were about even going to your own doctor and now your in the hospital.
I hope the nurses are treating you well.
Aw sorry to hear they had to a put a tube up there, sounds very painful, hope it's not too uncomfortable for you.

Aw sorry to hear you had a bit of tiff with the doctor and wife, please don't be too hard on your self, you have anxiety and your very stressed out.
You wife must be stressed out too, I know from personal experience that sometimes people can react in anger towards you as they don't know how to cope with the worrying, almost like you should suck it up/man up, to make them feel more comfortable.

I hope the foods not too bad in the hospital.
Well done on not smoking : ) I still smoked both times I was in the hospital over night with the heart palpitations. I even smoked outside in the middle of the night with the security guard ! So I think you are doing very well not having smoked so far.

Hope they fix you up soon : )
A lot of people do get kidney stones and end up having a CT scan to get a clearer picture.
If it's anything worse, sure you only need one kidney ; )

I hope you are sleeping ok and aren't feeling too overwhelmed.

28-08-11, 00:49
hey i just saw ur post and i wanted to say iam soo sorry ur haven such a rough time i hope u feel better soon:)

28-08-11, 01:29
All best to you to be well

28-08-11, 01:51
I hope everything will be ok with you

mandie x

28-08-11, 17:46
Blood preseure been running very high, and the are giving me beta blockers and blood pressire meds going and coming trying to keep it down. Its been very scarry and terrofying. Not sure whats going to happen now ,they did two more ct scans this n
morning with radioactive dye and its freaks you out in a flash of het through you body. Felt breathless after and blood pressure was high and I was light headed. At this point the mass is considered cancer unless they find its not and so I guess iill know tomorrow.

Im worried its not good. My advice to all of you,forget the worry about living and. do everything you can do and live everyday every minute yo its fullest and dont thinkbabout anything else ever. I have wasted so much of my life being afraid of things and I probally have cancer and will die and took many things for granted and wasted so much time being afraid. It makes me so sad. Anyway as soon asthey find out whats going on ill post again. By the wy ,never take information you get from an online doctor to heart. They arent there,they dont see you and they only try to make yo feel nothing is wrong although they have no proof. If you have a feeling something is arong take heart and believe your body for your own sake ,believe me when I tell you what I have or you will find yourself in the horror im facing right now!

28-08-11, 18:18
:hugs:thinking of you and hope you will feel better very soon. You are having an awful time at the moment and the anxiety makes things worse. It won't be long before you get your results and hopefully it will be good news and I sincerely wish you well.

28-08-11, 19:48
Been thinking of you Michael ..Good luck for tomorrow ..Look at it this way if you can ..If you hadnt of gone for blood tests you wouldnt be in the hopital now ..You would still be worrying ,,and the mass would be growing ..Things sometimes happen for a reason ..Now you have a good chance of getting it sorted and recovering from the tests procedures .and what ever it is ...Having a fear of Drs makes it very hard as you know to go and get tests .But Blood tests can tell an awful lot of things and only take a few minutes .Thank goodness you went eventually .AS for the Drs saying its Cancer, until they know different ..usually a biopsy is required before they can be 100% sure of that .Theres still a good possibility its a Benign lump or cyst .Try to be positive and take things one day at a time .Love and hugs Sue xx:hugs::hugs:

28-08-11, 20:00
sorry to hear your not well but glad they found things now and wishing yiu a speedy recovery positive thinking as you can and will beat this just like millions of others have

28-08-11, 21:05
Oh gosh I'm so sorry you are going through this, I think you're brave and courageous. Wishing you all the best.

paula lynne
28-08-11, 22:01
Hi Micheal, Im sending loving thoughts your way, and please keep us updated on your progress.
Love Paula x:hugs:

28-08-11, 22:44
Please join me at facebook. Michaelnaha@gmail.com

28-08-11, 23:36
Sending you loads of love tonight Michael and still thinking of you

28-08-11, 23:47
As Sue said, there's every chance that it could simply be a benign growth so try to remain positive and all the very best Michael.

29-08-11, 05:28

29-08-11, 05:31
Photo taken last evening . I think it expresses how I feel.:(

29-08-11, 05:37
It must suck to have to wait so long for the results.
Must be boring too being stuck in the hospital :(
I hope you get to go home soon :hugs:

29-08-11, 05:50
Hope you feel better soon,i to have been called selfish its because we get so worried we sometimes come across that way,your very brave .

29-08-11, 09:25
Hi Michael

I hope the results are good today, am thinking of you.



29-08-11, 09:26

Nope, you don't look well at all but..................I look like that every morning, at least you have an excuse :roflmao::roflmao::roflmao::roflmao::roflmao:


29-08-11, 12:32
Good luck with your test results Michael. Hope it's nothing serious after all.

29-08-11, 19:43
Wow. You've sure been through the mill. Thank god you got the all clear with your lungs, you were really concerned about that. (That nurse you spoke to who told you high sodium levels meant cancer should be fired asap!) I pray you get more GOOD NEWS once your kidney tests come back. You are going to be alright!

29-08-11, 19:50
Ok here is what is going on so far. Specialist came in his moring and told me this is a rare cyst maybe benighn or malignant but thy dont know. They found another mass inside the kidney they dont know what it is either. This is a rare addrennal tumor and they are taking lood samples and 24 hour urine to send to mayo clinic and the a biopsi of the kidney and the adrennal cyst tomorrow to go to Mayo Clinic. It will take a few dys to get back. My bloood pressure has been spiking on and on day and night and they are trying hard to stablize it. Hopefully they will soon. They dont know dor sure cancer but highly probable. Specialist says this is a very dangerous thing that could be injecting adrenaline into my body causing high blood pressure and anxiety. They hav been giving me valium around the clock and another med to keep me calm. Started experiencing vison disturbances and incoherance at times. Thanks to all the well wishers I really appreciate it.Will post as I findout more. Im cying ,planning last request with wife ,in case and being depressed with some bright spots during. the days ,acts of kindness from staff and you all here at NMP.Over all feelings, sadness, confusion,terror,shock and dismay.

29-08-11, 19:59

I'm so sorry but only just saw this thread.

I am thinking of you and your wife and will keep my fingers crossed that everything turns out positively for you.

My very best wished to you hun and please keep us updated.

Love Lisa

29-08-11, 21:16
Just caught up with your news. I can only wish you the best of luck...I will be thinking of you.

Take care.

29-08-11, 21:49
Hope you stabilise soon Michael ,Thinking of you and your wife at this horrible time .Sending you losts of positive thoughts .Good luck with everything .Lots of luv Sue x:hugs::bighug1:

29-08-11, 22:22
:hugs::hugs:Dear Michael sending supportive hugs. EJ

paula lynne
29-08-11, 22:26
Hugs to you and one for your wife too. x Thinking of you x

29-08-11, 22:38
Best wishes to both of you and hope you feel better soon Michael. Still keeping my fingers crossed that everything will turn fine for you xx

29-08-11, 23:38
thinking of you michael, hopefully you will know more soon, and then there will be a treatment plan. hugs and best wishes xx

30-08-11, 02:57
Hey Michael

Sending you: http://forum.alzheimers.org.uk/attachment.php?attachmentid=20230&d=1293747419 to ward off the nasties going on in your body at the moment. My thoughts are with you:bighug1::bighug1::bighug1:

30-08-11, 03:08
Hey sorry to hear about all the tests you have to have.
It can be hard to tell from a scan whether it is or inst cancer.
I know you must feel like you are in limbo right now x
Sedatives for your anxiety do make you a bit slow and totally affect your vision.
What are you doing to pass the time?
Hope you get to go home soon, sorry again that your in hospital :(

30-08-11, 16:49
Doctor came in today and is going tp doscharge me. I will be out patient on the mass. The doctor said that they have done blood studies and found no cortisol excretions meaning that the growthprobally is a cyst but it still remains to be seen but doesnt seem to think thst anything will be abnormal. However they did a week long study on me finding that im not like other people. My blood pressure is normal at 140 over 90 and can run high as 180 over 110. My body handles these levels easily with no problems.

Also my heart rate average is not typical of people with average heart beats as it almost always is a constant 70 no matter what is going on. He said that no two indivuals are the same and my body does fine with these ranges and that it is accustom to this. They had a team studying my hert on ekg for a week now and they have no evidence of amythinig other than a normal heart beat period! They also said that no extrabeats nor missed beats ever showed up although.I was told that I was in AFib when admitted.

My drug of choice for anxiety has been made valium, and ill be on these for life. I have had scans. that covered everything possible all over my body from my head to my feet. I dont have and artery problems at all. They are all clean period. My cholesterol is perfect ,my ellotrolites are perfect. My sodium levels are perfect and all other components of my bloodwork is perfect. My lungs are clear, my throat is clear, and I dont have perifrifial artery disease. I have no nurologic problems . For other than a better explination ,my body is in superb condition.My thoat issue is healed. My low sodium levels is from the fact we do not eat salt other than what we have in natural food. They have found nothing at all that would indicate cancer is present anywhere.That is why hey are curious to find out exactly what this thing is because its probally not cancer. Ill be going home this afternoon and then will do out patient visits for whatever else that has to be done.Im exhausted amd tired and happy to be going home.Not sure how to feel about things as my blood. blood pressure is 170 over 110 right now.They say this normal for mewhen im tired so I have to trust them. This has sure been a experience. Also my skiipped beats are actually hartbeats and I was told it doesn matter ow long they go on they cannot harm me.Anyway this is all I know for nowy

30-08-11, 17:01
Michael that is truely fantastic news!! :yahoo:

I am really happy for you


30-08-11, 18:23
Great news Micheal. Hopefully you are reassured now that nothing is wrong as you have been given a thorough check up.

I bet you will be glad to be back home as well.

paula lynne
30-08-11, 20:02
Great news Michael! You sound like youve had a very thorough M.O.T, hopefully this can alleviate some of your fears. Now, concentrate on getting well, and call in some favours from family and friends to help with housework and cooking, as I expect your wife is pretty tired out herself. Take it easy my friend x
Paula x:hugs:

30-08-11, 20:46
This is fantastic news Michael. I am so pleased for you.
You've had thorough examinations, looking at this from a different angle, this could be the makings of you:yesyes::yesyes:

So pleased for you.


31-08-11, 00:22
GREAT NEWS! So happy for you! :)

31-08-11, 00:35
Thats terrific news Michael .:yesyes:..Hope you now feel a lot better .?Get plenty of rest and let us know how the outpatient appoitments go .You seem in good shape for a man of your age ..Love to you and your wife ..Luv Sue xx.:bighug1:

31-08-11, 05:03
Great new, very happy for you :)

macc noodle
31-08-11, 07:26
This is an excellent result for you and your family - I am so pleased for you. :yesyes:

Maybe now this can be a starting point for you to re-assess your anxieties - as indeed your posts whilst in hospital indicated that we should all do instead of worrying about being ill and then to find yourself potentially looking down the barrel of a big C gun! - and get on with enjoying life.

Give your wife a great big hug too - she must have been so worried about you and mst be stressed out too.

Take care and be kind to yourself.


31-08-11, 11:52
So very pleased to hear your news Michael and great to know that you have had a full "service" and everything is OK. Enjoy being home with your wife and hope that you will soon feel great:hugs:

31-08-11, 22:20
UPDATE.... released from hospital yesterday afternoon and came home and started having halluinations like being on LSD . I had to go bAck to the ER and they did a brain scan that came back all clear.I was told this was opital migrane from stress and tiredness and pmossibly the salt solution that they put in my IV. They sent me home and I came home and went to sleep and woke today with very cloudy vision and everything looking so bright I can barely stand it. Im so scared I dont know what to do. I cant reach my dr and I feel paniced..

31-08-11, 23:24
So sorry to hear this Michael :hugs:.The hospital wouldnt have let you come home if they suspected it was anything other than Optical migraine ..This is caused by stress .and you have certainly had more than your share of that lately .You need to rest and perhaps being in a darker room will help .Sunlight will make it worse ..Once you start to catch up on your sleep and destress it will slowly go ..Your bound to feel frightened and its just adding to your worries ,But if it were caused by anything else it would have showed up on the Scan .Please try to get some more sleep .its natures best medicine .Hope you feel better soon .:bighug1:Luv Sue xx

31-08-11, 23:59
Sue, this is so very very scarry for me. The dr recommended excedrin migraine. I have been taking aspirin everyday for five years and they stopped it in the hospital. I quit smoking after 42 years and the say my blood pressure now is at normal levels 117/72 which apparently it has never been but they had a team do a study on me for a week to make sure they matched me with theright medicine and timing for my body. My legs are super weak and my hips hurt when I walk and the nurse said that its because of bloodpressure adjustment im getting weakness and that to sit for a minute before I get up and then get up. Im just so unsure what all these meds are doing to me andthe migraines are scarying me. It takes me five minutes to focus after sleeping and today its taken hours for the brightness tosubside. Between the valium and the quitting smoking and all the meds im totally petrified and paranoid and dont know how to handle things.Ill try real hard to relax and rest and hopefully my brain will adjust. I thank you for being supportive and also thank everyone that is trying to encourage me. I do worry that thing on my adrenal glan on my kidney is secreting adrenaline in my body but so far the blood work said that my cortisol levels are normal so probally not. This is all like a very bad dream. Once agaon thanks for your kindness.

01-09-11, 00:05
Hoping that as all the changes settle down you will feel much better.

01-09-11, 00:13
I think this terrible episode will make you stronger Michael and send my best wishes for a speedy recovery.

01-09-11, 00:43
You would have Cushings syndrome if you had high cortisol levels Michael .You would have more symptoms too .It would have shown up on the tests .My father has it .Hes had it years and its controlled by medication ...Whatever it is will be taken care of .Your body is going to feel out of sorts for a while until it adjusts .The migraines will go eventually ..If youve never had them before they will feel scary ..But they will pass once you calm down .You have been through a very frightening ordeal and like everything it takes time to get over it .But you will I promise you ..If they thought you needed to be in hospital they would have kept you there ..Not having aspirin wont affect you .Go easy on the valium until you get used to it ..Can make you feel out of it and spacey .The Migraine med will do its work then you can stop it .Packing in smoking is a good thing .but may cause you headaches ..Rest and a peaceful enviroment is the best thing for you right now .You have done incredibly well and will be feeling better in a matter of days .Hope your wife is ok too ?.Once this is all over ,,time you both had a nice vacation I think ?? ..Hope you feel better tomorrow .Now for some more rest I think eh ?...T/C luv Sue xx:hugs:

01-09-11, 00:56
Im incredibly proud of my wife . She quit smoking no patches ,three days without prosac in the hospital and her father died in the Philippines the night they admitted me in the hospital. She thinks she is weak but she is one of the strongest people I have ever met. She is very very tired but doing ok. But im so luckyto have her by my side . Anyway yes I think I over did the exercise today so im feeling really tired now . I think you are right I think we will eat dinner and get some rest .Thanks for everything

01-09-11, 01:36
A migraine does make you feel weak, I'll, sick tired, funny, anxious,hot, cold, sensitive to light, your vision could take a few days to clear, wear sunglasses.
I've been hang migraines my whole life, they cause a lot uncomfortable symptoms ,
The hallucinations are part of the migraine. You may see shapes, colours , sparkles etc..
Migraines can also make you feel a bit confused and slow.
If you need to know anything about them ask me, your very lucky if this is your first one!!
I only manage to go a few months without one.when I was younger I was getting them weekly.
You need to sleep and rest for a few days , drink water to stay hydrated.
I'd say the migraines were caused by stress and all the medication they gave you .
Sorry this happened on top of everything else, your doing very well though and glad to hear you are still off the smokes :)

01-09-11, 12:45
Update..... Took asprin yesterday and relaxed at home . Tried to be calm and worry free and. the migraine didnt appear. Woke this morning feeling a little better with a 65 pulse. Will try to just be worry free again today and try not to think of the upcoming biopsy. Thanksk again to everyone that is being supportive and caring.

01-09-11, 12:53
Oh and by the way low sodium levels doesnt mean squat.I was just thinking. All the test they ran ,I dont have high cholesterol,nor diabetis,nor HIV nor damage from high blood pressure or any of the bad things that pop up in blood work at age 56 . I just cant believe it but miricles do happen:) Funny thing is that you would think when reading about depifferent ailments on the internet they all lead back to fpdiabetis,cancer, high cholesterol ,coranary artery disease etc....but not so with me. Someone is watching over me. My arteries are clear.

01-09-11, 13:28
So glad you are feeling a bit better. Thinking of you.

01-09-11, 13:30
Thank you so much you are very kind:)

01-09-11, 20:34
How are you feeling today Michael ? I hope you and your wife have managed to get some sleep and rest ?.Im so sorry your wife lost her Father :weep:..She sounds like a wonderful wife .Lots of love to you both Sue xx:hugs:

01-09-11, 20:57
We are slowly but surele resting and feeling better. We are still real tired but I think the peace and quiet and the rest are going to fix us up. My wife said thank you. Im trying very hard to just let go and relax and not worry.Its hard some but I find the more I can relax the better. We had not slept much in the time we were in the hospital but are making it up at home sleeping alot. Thanks for checking in with us Sue.:)

01-09-11, 21:15
Oh and by the way low sodium levels doesnt mean squat.I was just thinking. All the test they ran ,I dont have high cholesterol,nor diabetis,nor HIV nor damage from high blood pressure or any of the bad things that pop up in blood work at age 56 . I just cant believe it but miricles do happen:) Funny thing is that you would think when reading about depifferent ailments on the internet they all lead back to fpdiabetis,cancer, high cholesterol ,coranary artery disease etc....but not so with me. Someone is watching over me. My arteries are clear.

Sounds like you are in pretty good shape Michael.

Glad you are at home now and resting.

Take care x

01-09-11, 21:42
Thank you Nic. Im getting a little depressed now and worried about the upcoming biopsy and everything that it will entail. I just had a wave of depression sweep over me. I feel secluded from the world and scared and wondering why all this happen. I cant believe I used to have a semi normal life. I went from taking minor amounts of meds to massive amounts of new ones all in what seems to been overnight and nobody told me why. Im really confused about everything but im trying hard to understand but feeling a little down at the moment,but thanks for asking about me and sending nice comments to me.

01-09-11, 22:33
When are they doing that Michael do you know?

01-09-11, 22:58
Not sure Nic. I have a appointment with my Dr on the 15th of Sept. He is a really good Dr and cares very deeply and is very good at what he does. I think the smoking witdrawal is affecting me at the moment. I feel like I have lost control of my life. I cant smoke and Zi have to take so many meds that I never had to before. I guess im just feeling a little sorry for myself butIll get over it. Im not sure if that is the date that I will be going to get the biopsy because the Dr doing it is another Dr so ilk have to find out but will let you know as soon as I find out.

01-09-11, 23:25
Wupife says I have an appointment with the other Dr on the 22nd,and my regular dr on the 15 th and I guess we go from there.