View Full Version : IBS & Anxiety is Ruining my life

27-08-11, 18:18
Hi there.
I am 43 years old and over the last 3/4 years I developed IBS and its getting worse. I used to love going everywhere on a whim, but now I get anxious and if I know in advance I am going somewhere I get nervous, have to make several trips to the loo and the last time on a train I got a panic attack. Driving somewhere new makes me nervous, firstly about toilet locations and also parking etc.
When I am out I am forever having to find a loo and I can't think of anything else.
My boyfriend and I don't get to spend a lot of time together but when we do I ruin it by being miserable and boring obsession about how I feel and where the loos are.
I have also developed acid reflux after a bout of laryngitis and this now makes me have a dry throat and trouble swallowing.

27-08-11, 22:52
hey hun! i also suffer from terrible IBS when im anxious. its so difficult, everywhere i go the toilet is always the first thing on my mind. and if there is no toilet i get really anxious :/ what are we like?!