View Full Version : Chest Pain!!!!

27-08-11, 20:19
Hello Ok so I have pains in my chest for the last two days it cant be heart related can it?
My symptoms are pain in the centre of my chest, feeling like I cant breathe in properly, feeling full and sicky, pain in my stomach and pain in my upper back.
What is this, do you think it could be serious, I am worried becasue I have had it for two days do you think I its in my mind.
Please help.

27-08-11, 20:34
Has it been constant for 2 days or comes and goes?

It sounds like acid indigestion/reflux so is it worse after eating for eg?

27-08-11, 20:38
Yeah it comes and gos, it started yesterday after breakfast I woke up finne andthen it started again today after I had had lunch, now you have said it it seems like there is a pattern but I didnt know it felt like this!! I am over weight do you think that may be a factor!!

27-08-11, 20:54
Being overweight won't help and it is also important to watch what you are eating.

You may be able to get something from the chemist to help - maybe something like gaviscon but it would be best to ask them about it. Omeprazole is also very good for reflux/indigestion.

You need to watch your diet at the moment though

27-08-11, 21:17
have you tryed anything for indegestion as it could be that or gallstones x

27-08-11, 21:33
No I have not tried anything for indigestion because me being me never thought it may be something as simple as that thank you for the advice though I will definitely try something!!
Just wondered though can indigestion last for two days or more, I mean like I said I do get it after food, but it seems as soon as I get it it wont go away it lasts for the rest of the day until I go to sleep, am i making it worse by feeling a bit anxious about it, I know the answer to that of course I am but this feels more real if you know what I mean!

27-08-11, 21:36
The pain feels like it is in my chest area near my heart near my armpit, I am worried now, I cant reason with my self, but surely if it was heart related it would have happened by now!! Sorry I dont mean to go on, but we all know what its like!!

27-08-11, 22:16
Indigestion can go on for weeks - I have had a bad case for a week now. A few days ago it felt like my whole chest was crushing and I was screaming in pain.

27-08-11, 22:21
I have had this sort of pain on and off and was sent to hospital but was just stress related. Apparently stress cause acid reflux.

If the pain going into back it sounds like indigestion, again this can be caused by stress.

Hope it eases for you. If worried get it checked out or you will stress even more:)

27-08-11, 22:49
Thank you so much to everyone who has replied!!
Just wondered though what exactly is indigestion I mean what causes it?

28-08-11, 08:20
Quite a few years ago I started getting the most horrendous pain in my chest/back, it would go on for hours.

I had a endoscopy and a barium meal to find the cause. The doctor put me on Lansoprazole which really helped. Like an idiot I stopped taking them as I felt better then one afternoon it started again I took bicarbonate of soda in some water and it did the trick.

My daughter suffers from the same problem and my mum had a duodenal ulcer.

The pain I can tell you was dreadful and I have a high pain threshold.