View Full Version : ARGH

12-05-06, 12:41
Am Having a Poo day.

I have a cold or something coming and I feel really on edge!

My panic attacks started up aagain because I am getting married and i suddenly had this horrible feeling that i was gonna die before i get married that I wasnt gonna make it...I know its crazy, but felt so horrible. I since have suffered with head pains which i am convinced it is a tumour. I have been to docs a hundred times and she says it is stress!

I have had councelling which finished 2 weeks ago and I have been doing so well. But this week i feel poo. It is 8 weeks until the wedding
and i am thinking what if I was right what if i dont make then i only have 8 weeks left.

I know totally irrational but feel very teearful and scared today.

Some friendly advise if you could please

love and hugs xxx

Hay x

12-05-06, 12:49

All that excitement about the wedding is maybe putting pressure for everything to go ok and being a anxiety sufferer your already picturing the worst things that could happen (arnt we good at it ?)

You know what Hayles it will be perfect, your day will be great!
The cold you have will pass as will the headache (ive got one too).



12-05-06, 12:53

8 weeks tomorrow...July 8th.

I just want it too come round so i can say there i did it am i am still here now pull yourself together and start enjoying life!

You get me???

Hay x

12-05-06, 13:00
Hayles i know what you mean , the waiting can be agony to a anxiety sufferer. But this is a very special time for you and you desserve to enjoy every moment of it (after all it should only happen the once).

Im sure you will get some great tips on here and I hope the sun shines for you on the 8th july (my wedding anv is the 11th July).


12-05-06, 13:32
Hi Hay

Im sorry to hear your going through a blip.

You are coping so well though hun with everything thats going on you really are.

Sending hugs your way (((((((((((((((((((HUGS)))))))))))))))))

Pm me if you need to talk.

Take Care


Many People Will Walk
In & Out Of Your Life
But Only True Friends
Will Leave Footprints
In Your Heart

12-05-06, 15:55

Weddings are one of the most stressful times of any womans life! Planning and waiting can drive anyone to stress out but with a cold to boot no wonder you feel badly. Take some time out to pamper yourself and maybe you will feel better. Congrats on your wedding by the way.


12-05-06, 20:05

Congratulations on your forthcoming nuptials. The anxiety you are feeling is probably wedding nerves, (another one bites the dust). You wioll be fine once you get stusck into the wedding arrangements and all the hiccups are out of the way. have a winderful day


12-05-06, 21:46
hayley you are nt alone with these horrible fears, many of us fear we will not see this or that

you will make your wedding because you are fit and healthy, it is your mind that is the problem. this is what is wrong with many of us so dont despair

try your dress on again, i bet you look amazing, that will cheer you up. keep busy with the plans as that will occupy your mind


12-05-06, 22:24

I got married three years ago and what you are describing is absolutely what I was going through. Like you I had been doing well, on no medication and should have been happy as larry.

Like you I didn't think I was going to make it to the big day, as if that was never going to be part of my "story" and on how sad it all was. Totally convinced I was going to die before it which would just add to the tragedy etc etc

Panic and anxiety tend to make you a little bit more morbid and hyper aware of the fragileness of life and the sadness that is in it - even at a time when you are supposed to be the happiest you cannot help yourself holding up a light to the tragedy of early death and the struggles of living - we read in the newspapers and in magazines about the heartbreaking stories of early death or promise unfulfilled. We never read about peoples lives going along quite ordinarily and dying of old age in their sleep (that has no drama or inherent sadness).

Here is the simple fact - at the moment you are under stress and stress brings anxiety and anxiety makes our thought processes bend to the blue side of life. You are scared that the wonderful future is beyond you and perhaps you do not deserve it.

I have been married for three years - the wonderful future came and I throughly enjoyed the day(eventually!!)

Try to let go - the future is ordinary and beautiful and not a sad magazine article for you.


april tones
12-05-06, 22:26
hi hayles
i have been there before.
I had this when son was little, i thought i or him wouldnt make it till christmas, i always associate christmas with sadness and death
your not alone!! xx

fibrochat) http://apriltones.proboards54.com

13-05-06, 08:07
Hi Hayles, hope you're feeling brighter today. Getting married is a stressful time - so much to organise and you want everything to be perfect (which it will be). I was anxiety free when I got married and still felt the stress and loads of worries - I think its only natural.
Your day will be fantastic - as soon as you start getting ready, your worries will go and excitment will take over I'm sure. Make the most of the weeks you have left - book a facial, get your nails done....
Love Helen

13-05-06, 09:56
Hi Hayles,

I too have these daft thoughts that I'm not going to make it to my wedding day (11 weeks and counting!) but I'm getting better and I'm determined that I'm going to enjoy the run up and I DO deserve to be happy!

I know it's hard but say positive things OUT LOUD to yourself: if you do it enough it DOES eventually ingrain itself into your brain!!

Shiv x