View Full Version : horrible heart sensations - your experience!

27-08-11, 22:43

having HA, centred mainly around my heart atm, I was just wondering what other people experiences with heart HA are?

is it a crawling pain? tiggling, sharp pain? "belt around the chest" sensation? do you get frequently dizzy and weak?

please share your experience!:flowers:

Gemma T
27-08-11, 23:06
My health Anx began with pains in my chest actually. The doc said stress and I thought he was full of it. Mine were crippling and shooting pains. Mainly dull.

In the centre of my chest, underneath my boobs and armpits. Normally on the left 9but then they would be). Had two ecgs and blood tests and nothing wrong with me. They eventually went away. Sometimes they come back a little when stressed and really anxious.

I used to get dizzy as well. Numbness, pins and needles, muscle spasms.

I hated them.

Gem x x x

28-08-11, 01:28
hi pablo!

my anxiety started with my heart, i get random funny beats that are hard and it feels like the chambers are out of sync :/ lasts a few seconds but is very scary for me :(
doc says im fine, my heart is fine but of course im not convinced.
i feel lightheaded and weak most days, this morning i was lying in bed with eyes closed and i felt dizzy :( back in bed now scared to lie down and close eyes and scared if i sleep i will wake dizzy :(
i sometimes feel that my heart is being squezzed slightly, not anywhere in my hest, just my heart, its horrible!!!
Linda x

28-08-11, 12:46
Im having a very bad time with chest pains/tightness and skipped funny beats,im sure something is wrong..im scared im going to drop any minute..i feel weak/sick and tired..had about 10 ecgs lately and bloods.

28-08-11, 20:57
My anxiety is all heart based at the moment. I get a lot of missed beats, dizziness and light head, pain in left side of chest and arm, palitations and racing heart. Have had resting ECG and blood tests. All fine but of course I feel something has been missed. Just had 24 hour ecg and waiting for results of that. Have resolved that if 24 hour ecg comes back normal then I have to try and move on from this anxiety. Hope I am strong enough.