View Full Version : Does anyone suffer with Aspergers?

27-08-11, 22:43
Hi Everyone

Sorry for all of my posts and things. Just wondered if anyone here suffers with Aspergers. If so how did you find out and what are your symptoms.

Just was wondering as I was talking to a Psychiatrist and Aspergers was mentioned, but need to have some tests done or something.

Thanks in advance.

27-08-11, 23:19
I know a bit about Aspergers.
I know the main symptoms are things like:
Not being able to read facial expressions too well,
Not realizing when you have over stepped the boundaries,
Upsetting people and not understanding why the got upset.
Enyoing time on your own,
Being a bit OCD, like having a serious interest in one thing like a hobby .
Struggling with social interaction.
Being very literal, not getting jokes,
often speaking without thinking, putting you foot in it without meaning to you.

There are lots of self tests online if you google them.
Thing is with Aspergers is it can vary from mild to sever so can be tricky to diagnose.

27-08-11, 23:41
I know a bit about Aspergers.
I know the main symptoms are things like:
Not being able to read facial expressions too well,
Not realizing when you have over stepped the boundaries,
Upsetting people and not understanding why the got upset.
Enyoing time on your own,
Being a bit OCD, like having a serious interest in one thing like a hobby .
Struggling with social interaction.
Being very literal, not getting jokes,
often speaking without thinking, putting you foot in it without meaning to you.

There are lots of self tests online if you google them.
Thing is with Aspergers is it can vary from mild to sever so can be tricky to diagnose.

Aww thanks hun for replying and giving that information. I tried to look up things but hmm, I am a bit confused. I know I struggle with making friends and things. I just don't know really.

28-08-11, 00:53
you might just have social anxiety, it'll be interesting to see what the test results are like.

28-08-11, 11:27
A friend that im no longer friends with had Aspergers. Im sorry i couldnt be of much help lol x

28-08-11, 22:21
Hello, I have Aspergers. I am 53 and was diagnosed this year. I had long suspected, since I was young, that there was something different about me. I am sure that you will find a lot of information if you google it. For me the symptoms are difficulties with social interaction, emotions, communication. Not knowing what to say or how to act in certain situations. As I have grown older I have learnt how to cope a liitle better but there is no fun in my life and I feel very lonely. It's really difficult to describe what it is like and all Aspies are different anyway. You can't say we are all like this or like that.

28-08-11, 23:59
My cousin is 9 and has this and tbh with the symptons mentioned I reckon I might have it. I can say that I know people with this and its quite hard to get through. You really do get quite annoyed but you have 2 be calm as my cousin is probably what I call quite severe but I love him to bits!!!

Tea Caddy
07-09-11, 13:28
i have a friend that suffers with it and he has some of the signs Mishel quoted i have to give him some gentle reminders about some things he doe's as he has asked me to do so as you can imagine we make a right pair

08-09-11, 10:22
My 14yr old son has Aspergers. He has difficulties with social and communication interaction. Google 'National Autistic Society'. You'll find lots of information on there :)