View Full Version : I have started a blog.

27-08-11, 22:47
Hello I have never been in this part of the forum before, mainly because I am always in the health anxiety or panic attack threads asking for reassurance :blush:.
I just wanted to write about something that has given me a few moments of calm over the last couple of weeks or so and that is my blog that I have just started.
I am a fashion, beauty food lover who has panic attacks and is constantly on a diet so I though hey I am a bit interesting, well to me anyway, Im gonna start a blog I love writing and although I may not be very good at it, it always makes me feel better, more relaxed and kets me drift off as much as possible in to my thoughts.
So I just wanted to tell you all, I though maybe some of you could give it a go and see what you think, it was so easy to set up and took no time at all.
I dont know if I am allowed to give my blog name out, so if Nic or an admin is out there let me know if not feel free to pm me and I will send you the link to it if you want, its not brilliant but I am enjoying at the mo.
Give it a go it might help you to!! :yesyes:
Hannah. x

27-08-11, 23:11
Please feel free to post your blog on here Hannah

27-08-11, 23:11
a link to it I mean

27-08-11, 23:50
Thank you Nicola, I thought you meant a link I wasnt sure though you nearly had my whole blog on here!!:blush:
Ok the link to my blog is http://lilyloopsy.blogspot.com Please bare in mind that I am very new to blogging, I enjoy it very much but it does not mean I am any good at it.
I will post about my panic attacks and anxiety but I dont want them to be at the forfront of everything that I do so for now its just genral musings and beauty stuff.
Hannah x

15-09-11, 14:30
Hi so my blog is still going strong, It really gives me something to take my mind of off my anxiety and panic, I encourage anyone to start one about anything that they love clothes, music, cars anything it has helped me.
Good luck if you do and post a link here so we can all check it out!!
Hannah x

17-09-11, 20:16
New post!!!:)

23-09-11, 20:57
I have put a new post on my blog about my diet trials and tribulations.
Should I do a post about my panic and anxiety, I want to but I dont always want everything to be about them all the time, but then in the same respect I am not ashamed of them they are a part of me for now and I would like people to have more awareness about mental health issues/panic attacks/anxiety.
Any feedback would be great thank you
x x x