View Full Version : Im worried because i keep bruiseing!

Two heads
12-05-06, 16:24
I went to the docs to day for a check and to pick up some new med cardio wants me to try.
I told her about a few bruises i keep getting, and asked her if it was my meds.She said no and did i have any bleeding from the nose.I said no which i havet then wondered why she asked me this.I then said why are you asking me that?She replyed em just checking to see if your bloods clotting ok something like that any way.
I then said im worrying that ive got some disease now you asked me that.Because i have breathlessness,now afew bruises.Im in iron tablets and have been for six months.
I was feeling a bit better entill then.Now im feeling a little worryied again.
Excuse my spellingxxxx

12-05-06, 17:23
I bruise really easily too but some peole just do i guess - there's no reason why i do. If you're on iron tablets then that might make a difference


'This too will pass'

12-05-06, 17:26

I also bruise quite easily. I am anemic and also take liquid iron as I can't handle the pills. Are you anemic and that is why you take iron tablets? Maybe that is why you bruise! Regardless, I think some peoople just do so. I think it is a good sign that you aren't bleeding through the nose and should take it as so.


Two heads
12-05-06, 17:36
Hi daisybud,Bel.!Thanks for the replys i just feel so anxious today.Ive been on iron since jan,i was border line with the iron levels the doc said.
She said to me im a doctor i have to ask you these questions.I just seem to be so parnoid today.I just thionk shes looking for sighs of something terrible.Sorry if im going on.I normally ok and keep my anxiety at bay!xx

13-05-06, 09:59
Don't worry Bong
We all have days when we can't cope as well as we would like, but isn't that just part and parcel of this anxiety thing. Don't beat yourself up about it, just remember that we have good days and bad days and that a good day is great and a bad day will pass!


'This too will pass'

14-05-06, 09:04
bong!!!i worry all the time over the same thing you do and i always think its my liver causing the hole problem but all my labs come back normal iam cloting normal and my liver is making what it need to be making when i see a bruse i get real light headed and scared becuae i use to never bruse!!