View Full Version : Speech issues?

28-08-11, 11:20
Hi all,

Just looking to float a question out there really... As per my previous posts I have been suffering intense HA regarding the possibility of have VCJD. This is the 2nd time in 6 years I have had this particular problem but last time it cleared up very quickly after a bit of reassurance from my doctor.

This time it has not transpired that way and I have experienced a vast number of "NEUROLOGICAL LIKE" symptoms. Now I am working my way throught them trying to atribute them to anxiety, but am still struggling after 2 months of problems.

This all began with WORDFINDING PROBLEMS, I would be talking fine but have the feeling that I wanted to use different words to the ones I had selected. Later in the day the word I wanted to use would come to me. This was what stated my HA as I hit google and went straight to VCJD and read loads about it. Before I knew it I was very frightened and feeling twitches, dizziness (on going), pins and needles and brain fog.

Since this time I have put myself under an immense ammount of pressure with regards to my memory- continually testing myself for names, facts, faces, alternative words to use. My thoughts have been racing and the mind chatter has been distracting.

Lately (the last week or so) I have noticed that when I am talking, I tend too mispronounce words, like I put the next two words that Im thinking about saying together. When writing I have no problem it articulating myself or finding what I want to say, it is only when I am talking. I would not say I was slurring words, just occassionally jumbling them up slightly.

I have asked my wife and friends if they notice this and they have all said not really, only once or twice.

Do you think that this issue with my speech is down to all the stress Im putting myself under with regards to my HA? Can it cause these slips of the tongue where Im continually second guessing what Im trying to say???

28-08-11, 17:30

i also have a few nuerological looking symptoms namely muscle twitching, headaches, tense muscles and strange taste in my mout. I did notice the occasional jumbling up of words and was concerned but no one around me seemed to notice it.

Im not sure of the ins and outs but it happens to everyone, maybe because of our hightened state of anxiety we notice it more? do you feel tired? it could be that the mind is being overworked maybe.

i know everyone will say it but a trip to the doctors may make you feel better. it did with me eventually after i stopped doubting the doctor and thinking he ahd missed something.

its hard when these symptoms persist and dont go away ive been having mine for about 2/2 and half months now but have started to accept its probably anxiety and i do feel better.

staying off of google would help as well i got into a terrible state with looking everything up online. the best thing to do is if you feel anxious come to this site instead.