View Full Version : Worried about exercising

12-05-06, 17:21
Hi friends,

My anxiety is 100 times better than it was as I have noticed the things which seem to bring it on, and have cut them out.

1 thing that hasnt changed is my pulse rate. My pulse rockets when I do as little as climb the stairs, it increases when I drink ( not very often now ;o( ). I dismissed this as me just being more aware of things now since my first anxiety attack.

I have joined a gym in an attempt to get fitter and lose the wieght I have put on since anxiety begun.

When I am exercising on any of the machines, my pulse will go as high as 170 without much effort (In my opinion). I dont feel out of breath, but I can feel my heart pounding away, and it scares and frustrates me. I have asked instructors at the gym and they say to take it easy, and that the machines arent really that accurate, but I was aware from doing other things that my pulse went through the roof without excercising heavily.

Is this a result of my anxiety? does anyone else hve this problem>

I am very worried that there is a problem with my heart, although I have had a couple of ECG tests that prooved ok.

12-05-06, 17:29

Quite possibly this might be happening due to your being out of shape. I know when I start an exercise program this happens to me and it has nothing to do with my anxiety. The further along I get with my program the better my body can handle the exercise. If the insructors state that the machines aren't accurate I would believe them. If the doctor's have looked at the ECG tests I would try to relax. Why don't you try something less strenuous to begin with? I hope this helps.


12-05-06, 17:39
The same thing happens to me!

I am 5'8' and 130 pounds, not over weight at all, but when I work out my poulse jumps up quickly.

When they did my stress test they asked if I exercised because my pulse was high and took forever to come back down even.

I think we are just out of shape :-). I agree with you though, I think our anxiety makes us realize our pulse more.

12-05-06, 18:13
Thankyou both for taking the time to reply.

I know for a fact I am out of shape lol.

I told the instructor about my problem, an that when I had used the machines before the little heart monitor was flashing red and that I was concerend about this and to maybe put me on an easy programme to start.

My instructor said that he doubted my heart rate would lower doing the same excersises but the time it took my pulse to recover would be shorter as I got fitter. This is what concerns me as if he is correct I will continue hitting 170 with just a light pedal on an excersise bike.

Maybe he made a mistake when he said this. Guess ill have to see hwo it goes.