View Full Version : What dose Cipramil for Panic disorder?

28-08-11, 12:48
I was on Aropax for 10 years with varying degrees of success. My Dr advised to stop these and take nothing for 3 days, then 1/2 cipramil for 4 days, then 1 tablet daily. I have been on the 1 daily for 2 weeks now and find that my anxiety is getting much worse, I am having attacks that are more severe than i have experienced for a very long time. I am ready to give up on this medication, please help. what is the recommended dose for Panic disorder?

Thank you :weep:

28-08-11, 13:18
I'm not sure of the answer to that Pisces - probably 20mg at least for starters - but how slowly did you come off your previous med. It's notorious for causing discontinuation symptoms. Hope you feel better xx

06-09-11, 04:11
Hi Suzy,
Thank you for your reply. I am so desperate that I can't even face work today:weep: My Dr told me to stop the Aropax (paxtine) cold!!!! I then took nothing for 3 days. Then 10mg citalopram for 4 days, then 20mg citalopram daily, this is my 3rd week (not 2nd) and the panic is driving me insane. Would I do better to cut back to 10mg for a week or so? Or will this just take longer to get over the side effects? Hope you are well :flowers: