View Full Version : Anxiety Problems

12-05-06, 17:34
hi there, Im just new to this forum but was curious to know about other peoples symptoms and to realise im not the only one.

Here goes for the past 7 yrs iv suffered from depression and bad anxiety and was wondering if anyone suffers from the symptoms of insomnia, profuse sweating, diarreoha, sickness (as soon as i open my eyes in the morning) and if anyone found a way to combat the sweating etc as it seems to be ruining my life I cant even go outside without sweating which gets funny looks from people when half my makeup is running of my face because of it, Ive been prescribed 40mg of ciprimil and 80mg of inderal la and want to know if anyone has found this of use to combat all these symptoms?

Im not very good at these things its freaking me out just writing this, any advice would be greatly appreciated

Thanks chel xx

Two heads
12-05-06, 17:51
Ive been sweating alot of late and i thought it was my meds causeing it.Iwas ok i think befor i went on them.
I take deodorant out with me and baby wipes in case i want to freshen up,i find it helps hun.xxx

12-05-06, 18:00
hiya cheers 4 that i usually have my daughters baby wipes out with me to dab me down which sometimes helps but iv had the sweating before i went on my meds it really is controlling my life, its very embarrasing as its mostly facial sweating iv tried cool mist spray etc doesnt work.

I feel like an outcast as no-one else seems to get all the symptoms i get with anxiety.

Two heads
12-05-06, 19:10
Just thinking maybe its your hormones hun?They do strange things sometimes!xxx

12-05-06, 19:24
I wish I could find a cure for the heat problem as well. I am always soaking wet in this heat. Hate it! I end up in the car with the air-con on.

No-one has been able to explain why I am like it either.


Two heads
12-05-06, 20:36
We best not meet us three then all we will scare everyone off!!!

12-05-06, 21:24
yip the 3 of us sweating and me puking wat a nice day out lol
:D uv got to laugh through the sweat