View Full Version : Wierd watery mouth and bad nausea, advice anyone please?

28-08-11, 17:00
Hi everyone. Does anyone suffer with wierd sensations in the mouth? I have a new symptom which is driving me crazy and sending my anxiety into orbit! Any help or just similar experiences will really help. I suffer with nausea a lot, but this is odd. I am getting a sensation as if I am about to vomit. You know like that feeling of your mouth suddenly watering and then you feel you are about to gag. I dont, but the watering and wierd sensations continue making my nausea really bad and feeling as if I am on the verge of vomiting. I suffer with emetophobia (fear of vomiting) so this is a really scary feeling for me. Could this be the reason I am experiencing it?? Could it be a symptom of something else? I ha endoscopy 2 weeks ago and yet to get result, but this feeling is new and doesnt seem connected to my acid problems, just really makes me feel sick and afraid to go anywhere in case I am sick. Would love to hear any similar experiences and ways to cope. Thanks for reading.

30-09-11, 04:48
So when I was around the age of 11 or 12 occasionally I would get severe watery mouth, accompanied with a strange feeling in the upper part of my stomach and nausea. I also used to get really nervous, so nervous I'd throw up, but that all went away as I got older. Now I'm 21, and it's starting again. I'll have severe watery mouth, a strange feeling in my stomach and nausea that lasts for about a minute then goes away (I find it happens more often if I'm hungry or haven't ate in awhile - like a few hours). Looking online I'm not sure what causes it, I had an endoscopy done last year because I was throwing up a lot for no reason, but it came back normal. I'm thinking it may be tied to anxiety, I've never been diagnosed with having an anxiety disorder, but sometimes I'll feel really nervous out of no where. I equate it to feeling guilty about something, so guilty that you feel like your going to vomit but there's really nothing to be guilty about. Is that anxiety? Sorry, I'm new to forums. Anyway, I find breathing and telling myself over and over in my head that I'm not going to get sick helps a lot.