View Full Version : Would you come off citalopram if you was me

28-08-11, 20:18
I am sooo fed up I have been on 40mg of citalopram and I am not happy. I have been on them now for 7weeks and was on 20mg for one week and then 30mg for 3 weeks so all together i been onthem for 11 weeks and I am still not right I just feel like coming off them and trying to get over this blood pressure phobia myself. I am soo scared. I have 2 lovely daughters and one son and a lovely partner and I feel awfull because I am like this. I can't believe this has hapened to me it's dreadful. I am crying while I am taping this. I was on them last september till easter and i did get better but I feel I am not this time. but it did take about 4 months to get in last time. Oh I just dont know what to do the fear I feel is horendous. I need some reasurance. I just dont want to be on antidepressents I really don't. :weep:. I also feel my sexdrive has gone emotionless I would call it. I feel i would rather end up in a hospital and hit rock bottom with out the citalopram or anyother antidepressent. You cant even have alcohol. Whats the point. i hate them.

Cathy xx

28-08-11, 20:24
I would go back to your gp and discuss it.
I was on citalopram and came off them cold turkey (with no withdrawel symptoms)
But I wouldn't advise you to do this, I was silly and my anxiety soon returned.
If you don't feel they are helping speak to your gp about coming off them and maybe trying something else but bear in mind they do take a while to get into your system. X

28-08-11, 20:28
Thanks for your reply Sammi

I did that last easter came off cold turkey and not been good since ie coming off them my anxiety and then going back on them. What are you on now?

Cathy xx

28-08-11, 20:31
I would say that seven weeks is a fair trial of any medication Cathy. As sammi said discuss it with your GP... you are not mean't to agonize over these dilemmas alone. Your GP will want to see how you are getting on with your meds and will offer some advice as to what your next step might be. Good luck and take care.
Belle x

28-08-11, 20:38
Thanks for your reply Sammi

I did that last easter came off cold turkey and not been good since ie coming off them my anxiety and then going back on them. What are you on now?

Cathy xx

I'm not on anything at the moment.
The citalpram did really help me, it took a good 8 9 weeks to get into my system, then a few more weeks after to get the doesage I needed right.
After a good few months of feeling normal (if that's the right word) I decided to come off them thinking I was better and I could cope without the meds (big mistake) anxiety soon crept back up on me.
I then tried another med (can't remember the name) but I couldn't cope with the side effects so soon stopped that one after a few weeks, I can't even try another med because I don't want to have to go through the side effects. X

28-08-11, 20:42
Thanks Belle feel as if i am having a panic attack right now and shaking abit. it just gets too much trying to think my way out of this breakdown I had two scotch and cokes before do you think it could have been them that have made me feel panicy. I am due to go back to my gp next week and i got a thought that she may take my blood pressure and then I went into a panic over the thought of it. It's just a stupid phobia i have developed i normally can keep a lid on it but not this last hour. xx

Cathy xx

28-08-11, 21:38
I'm not on anything at the moment.
The citalpram did really help me, it took a good 8 9 weeks to get into my system, then a few more weeks after to get the doesage I needed right.
After a good few months of feeling normal (if that's the right word) I decided to come off them thinking I was better and I could cope without the meds (big mistake) anxiety soon crept back up on me.
I then tried another med (can't remember the name) but I couldn't cope with the side effects so soon stopped that one after a few weeks, I can't even try another med because I don't want to have to go through the side effects. X

Sammi that is exatly what happend to me i felt great so stoped them cold turkey felt ok for about a week then bang anxiety started creeping back and I am back to square one. I have just rang the crisis team and the bloke helped me to calm down so still bit iffy but can think a bit clearer. How are you now that you are not taking anything?

Cathy xx

28-08-11, 21:48
I have my good and bad days to be honest. I can go weeks feeling fine and then bam it returns and I worry about everything and everyone. I think I can handle it a little better than when it first started, I know deep down its anxiety but its them little thoughts that get me telling me this time it something worse.I
Had cbt which helped me think more clearly and differently about things.......do we ever fully get over it I don't know, I think we just learn to deal with it better or differently.... X

28-08-11, 22:00
I hope I get over it. Now that I have a better life but think i am dragging the old one around lol. Thanks for all your imput and you do sound to me as if you are doing really well hope that's me soon :)

Cathy xx

28-08-11, 22:50
I hope I get over it. Now that I have a better life but think i am dragging the old one around lol. Thanks for all your imput and you do sound to me as if you are doing really well hope that's me soon :)

Cathy xx

Your welcome :) it took a long time but I think I'm finally learning to live with it and handle it better and you will too, If I can do it anyone can. If you look through my old posts you will see just how bad I was, I can't believe how differently I feel. If you ever need to chat feel free to pm me:) take care and I really hope things start getting better for you soon xx

29-08-11, 00:41
Hiya Cathy,
I hope you feel better soon and i feel you should continue the medication!
I too am having ups and downs at the moment. I've been on cit for 4 weeks now.
Take care !!

29-08-11, 19:27
I am really agonizing about coming off them. I just don't feel myself, and if I have to suffer with anxiety I would like to get over it myself i would like to do that.

I have bought a book called Back to life The great escape from Tranquillizer addiction SSRIs and Sleeping " Z Drug" Pills. i go to the group theropy on a mondays and its there if you want help coming off these drugs they are also intouch with your GP and you have to follow a chart for comming off of them. The group is run by an organisation called C I T A . I am going to give it some thought.

How are you doing yorkman? hope you are good.

Cathy xx

31-08-11, 23:14
Hi Cathy,
What have you decided to do with the cit??
I hope you are ok

01-09-11, 10:11
Hi Yorkman

Well after the bad couple of days I have had I am defo staying on them I went to doctors yesterday and it was good to talk to her. I feel ok today. I really think my blip was to do with drinking fri sat and sun because what alcohol does is weakens the citalopram and stops it from doing its job. So no more wine for the time being. And yes I am staying on them. How are you doing have you upped your dose yet? And how is your mornings? Hope you are doing well.

Cathy xx

02-09-11, 00:44
Hey Cathy, the mornings are lots better!! I feel a definite improvement this week. Although I upped the dose to 30 mg daily ( I haven't told the doc yet) so I'm not sure if it's 30 making improvement or just the time on cit.
I had a few beers the other night but not many and I've been ok.
Glad your sticking with it! Good luck and keep us posted !

02-09-11, 10:52
Hi yorkman

Glad to here you doing well and yes I am sticking with them I have stayed off the alcohol 5 days now. still have the morning nerves but I am off for a swim now with my daughter. So trying to keep busy good luck

Cathy xx