View Full Version : im having bad panic attack help

28-08-11, 20:55
im having a bad panic attack right now help me please. im trying to control and calm down but finding it hard please help. x

anx mum
28-08-11, 21:17
Right try and stay calm take some slow deep breaths, Go outside feel the fresh air u will be ok hun ive had many

28-08-11, 22:05
do a slow count out loud. it will help you slow your breathing. take sips of water every 30 seconds. If you have some stairs - walk up and down them as many times as u can but not too fast.

remember you are NOT going to feint or die. come back and post more as you need.

28-08-11, 22:39
thank you i will get water and do the breathing exercises thanks vvery much.

28-08-11, 22:41
This will pass. It has done before and it will this time. Slow breaths and sip a cup of tea.

28-08-11, 22:50
Hope you are feeling better now:hugs:

I try and do a countdown from 20 when I feel one coming on.
I also do visualization of the panic, seeing it as chickens in a row while counting. I bash each one as I count down :roflmao: Silly but it works for me

28-08-11, 23:08
I count down from 100 in 3's. Breathing slow is important. knowing that it won't last forever gets you through and you can only get better from now :)

29-08-11, 07:53
Oh boy, I know the feeling! I hope you are alright by now. What I try to do, is talk to myself ..lol .. I know that may sound funny, but I do. I also try to think about anything else I can ... not that that always works, but sometimes it does. Slow breathing is good too. Do ;you have anything to take, such as xanax? Chamomile tea is also something good to have around, if you can stomach tea .. I'm not a big tea drinker ,it makes me nauseas...but, I learned that if I can keep that going in during the day, it does help. However, if an anxiety or panic attack just hits, and hits hard,... then I grab a xanax. .... they are the absolute best. I certainly hope you are feeling better by now!:)

02-09-11, 21:34
Oh boy, I know the feeling! I hope you are alright by now. What I try to do, is talk to myself ..lol .. I know that may sound funny, but I do.

I also tend to talk to myself during my panic attacks. :D I also find help in talking to my boyfriend; it forces me to concentrate on something besides my heart pounding, my trembling and my breathing.

02-09-11, 21:48
I find breathing in and out of a paper bag helps to and standing out side :)

Cathy xx

03-09-11, 21:34
I used to breathe in and out of a paper bag but tried to stop doing it as wasn't really practical if at work or in public! Standing outside and breathing fresh air definitely helps though.