View Full Version : Night out

28-08-11, 23:56
Hi Guys,

Well 2night was an achievement. I went out for first time in ages! I did get panicky though in the bar. Me and my friend went 2 dinner then out for drinks in crowded bar in town. Was really good but I explained to her I was panicky around crowds and she was supportive. She did what any normal person would do and "pushed" me in to over come this fear. I was shaky and dont think the red bull and woo woo helped lol. But I did it and feel proud. She said I look really uncomfortable but that was because of 2 reasons: A) The crouds of people in such a small place and B) I get nervous around guys especially fit guys and this happened. I hate this but luckily my friend gets the same problem as me and she goes red faced through alcohol so she was asking me if her face was pink/red lol. Overal though getting out made such a difference to me. She did point out though I was confident and more chatty outside walking to the bar but as soon as I arrived in the bar I became reserved and nervous. I really hope this doesnt happen too often or show in how I act!


29-08-11, 00:07
Hi FB,

That is such a GREAT achievement!!! Well done to you! Just to follow through and go is a major thing as we talk ourselves out of so much when the anxiety gets a hold.

That is brill!

I think that the worries about being around blokes and that kind of environment is really natural, and as you said, your friend kind of feels the same. I think we all worry (men too) in a social setting like that about things like how we are perceived by others, what they are thinking, etc. so please remind yourself of this and that you are not alone hun.

Fabulous achievement. You should be proud of yourself!xxxx:hugs:

29-08-11, 00:34
well done god bless

30-08-11, 00:26
Well done FB. It is quite normal to feel anxious in the presence of the opposite sex (or the sex we are attracted to!) especially if the person seems particularly desirable to us. You did it though FB and there is no reason why you can't carry on doing it! I call this a RESULT! Well done! The more you do it the more confident you will become.

Tyke :)

30-08-11, 01:12
This was like me! i went to a party last week and felt panicy but then just danced and socialised and soon forgot about everything! great feeling! well done :D