View Full Version : OMG HELP!!!!!!!

Fly away Katie
29-08-11, 12:47
Yesterday morning I woke up, did a few things like normal. Took a deep breath and found the left side of my chest hurt ALOT. Like a sharp stabbing pain. When I relaxed, it went for the day. Lasted about 2 hours in total.
Got it a little last night. Nothing much.

This morning the same thing happened again. I'm sitting here taking small little breaths because i'm too scared to take a big one as under my left boob hurts SO bad. Its like a SHARP stitch type pain- deep inside when I reach near the top of my breath. I can sense its gonna hurt while breathing normally. It's weird!!!

ALSO I need a little advice about something unrelated. ALTHOUGH I think this may have brought it on IF it IS stress related... :weep:

My boyfriend was in the shower earlier. He's just been camping for a few days with his really nice mate HOWEVER I do worry he's cheating, because 6 months ago (at the very start of our relationship) he was texting 2 girls VERY sexual things. I forgave him for that, even though it hurt A LOT :lac:
Hes got a bad name for himself for sleeping around in the past, so that doesnt help either.:weep:

ANYWAY he's going away with work for 3 days starting on wednesday this week and I read this while he was in the shower an hour ago......

WORK MATE- Now off back to your girlfriend having MOVED IN!! (Actually I haven't moved in. He's asked me too, but I love living with my parents and we haven't been together that long)

MY BOYFRIEND- Don't say that. I've enjoyed not having her in my ear.

WORK MATE- Bet you enjoyed getting around...

MY BOYFRIEND- Na, my mate kept me in check

WORK MATE- Ah well, theres always wednesday...

SO now im SO WORRIED. I stormed out of his apartment and now im sittinng in bed at home wondering if I over reacted... Did I? And whats this pain? Someone HELP ME please. IM GOING CRAZY :weep:

My sister said he was awful to say those things!!! ALSO he text me saying 'I love you. Its only a joke between work friends' after I left.

:weep::weep::weep::weep: Just need advice and opinions. THIS PAIN IS awful.

Thanks, lots of love xxx

29-08-11, 13:13
You've just strained a muscle in your chest....... I've done it myself a few times and its very painful. Give it a few days and you'll be fine.
Workmates do joke around so I wouldn't worry about it.

29-08-11, 13:37
If the pain has come and gone it isnt a strained muscle .Irregular breathing and tension can cause a pain under the rib .Feels like a sharp stabbing pain like severe wind ..ITS NOTHING TO WORRY ABOUT .trysome deep breathing thru nose and out thru mouth .AND RELAX ..As for the boyfriend ..doesnt sound like hes been cheating ..Have a good talk to him ..Trust is essential for a relationship to work .Sounds like its just his mates having a dig ..boys will be boys :)..T/c Luv Sue x

Fly away Katie
29-08-11, 17:45
The whole time he was away, he kept texting saying ''i love you, i miss you' and LOADS of other nice stuff.. and then I find that.

Thanks for the chest advice also xxxxx