View Full Version : New here, looking for any tips

29-08-11, 15:02
Hi, I am new to this site. I have been suffering from Health Anxiety for about a year and a half now. I grew up with a mother who had severe health anxiety, and for the longest time I did not have it (or I did, but it had not shown itself yet). I always thought "Mom is crazy, I don't want to be like that." Then my mom got diagnosed with late stage metastatic neuroendocrine cancer. She passed away 1 1/2 months after diagnosis. She had no symptoms until two weeks before the diagnosis.

After her passing, my health anxiety has shown its ugly head. I notice every symptom and fear for the worst. I think because she was sick for so long (and even doctors did not notice) I become super focused on any symptom thinking it is a sign of something awful. Once I don't have something to worry about, I find something else. If it is not my own health, I am worrying about my boyfriend's (who has no anxiety about his health and rarely even sees a doctor).

I have seen a counselor, who tells me that I will probably always have some form of this anxiety. I am not on any meds for it (like xanax or anything else). Some days it is worse and some days it is better.

Most recently I have been superfocused on a swollen gland in the right side, middle of my neck. I am not sure how long it has been swollen, it could have been for years. I just recently noticed it and freaked myself out again. It is probably about 1 cm long. I was at a doctor recently who felt my neck (went for a sinus infection) and did not say anything about feeling something irregular, so I am sure it is nothing, and probably has been like that for a long time. Also could be from the infection but still has not gone down. But still I think the worst. And once I stop worrying about this, I will find a bump in my mouth that has always been there and focus on that. And if I get past that, I will find a spot on my leg or something and freak about that too. It is awful. I just cannot relax! I don't remember what relaxed feels like.

I am looking for tips on how I can begin to deal with this. Should I find a new counselor? I am starting with a new GP in a month and am going to ask her for advice as well on how to deal with it. I get so nervous going to doctors that my blood pressure always looks through the roof (and I am 22 and normally it is normal/low). It sucks! any suggestions on where to begin???

Gemma T
29-08-11, 16:18
Unless your not benefitting with the counsellor you already see I wouldnt leave. Im sure they will know you enough by now so it would be silly too start again if you dont have to.

Im really sorry to hear about your mum. Are you coping ok? If ud like to talk privately you can message me.

Health anx does take over your life but the good news is that you are in counselling and have reached out on this site. This shows you have acknowledged it and on your way to taking control. Your so young as well. You should'nt have to worry at this age. Im 26 and mine began when I was 24. Its alot to handle when being young and at any age but Im sure you will find the support you need on here.

My best advice will be to throw yourself in to your counselling. Get some CBT to help you control and recognise your anxieties. If you dont desperately need meds then avoid them. I tend to think of meds as a last resort so try the counselling first.

Good luck and you know where I am if you need me

Love Gem x x x

29-08-11, 19:45
Thanks, I am doing alright. As well as I can I guess!

It's interesting, I find a lot of my family members suffer from Health Anxiety in some form or another as well. Most of them are on some type of medication, and I'm the only one who is not that I know of! I think for me I want to try to correct the behavior first, and then if I really really cannot and am struggling, have that be a last resort like you said.

I just want to get a handle on this before it becomes so ingrained in my personality that I can't get rid of it! It is very hard, it is causing fights between my boyfriend and I. He tries to be understanding, but is the complete opposite of somebody with HA. I just feel guilty stressing him out too.

I find it gets worse when I am stressed, and especially around certain "dates" with regard to my mom's passing. I am hoping that I can recognize when I am worse and try to prepare myself for those times. Also if I am bored or not focused on something it gets worse. I am starting night school after work for a masters degree this fall and am hoping that can keep me focused on something other than my health. Not a permanent solution, but a little bit of a distraction at least.

Gemma T
29-08-11, 19:58
Well it sounds to me like you are doing all the right things to take your mind off of your anx.

My anx plays up at the same times as you. Unfortunately im not working at the mo so i have plenty of time to worry.

I feel guilty towards my mum and sis as they hear it all day. It is hard but we are not alone. We can get through this.

What will you be studying?

x x x